Thursday, June 10, 2010

Selena's Ghost

I first heard about this story while listening to a new CD I bought by a native of Corpus Christi Texas, Selena's home town. The CD is called " Remember Selena ", viva Corpus Christi, Tx. It has several great songs, one that won first place in an international song contest called " Me Esta Esperando Selena", which translates into "Selena is waiting for me ". You can only get this CD through via mail. I'd suggest you get if you are a Selena fan. I listened to it about a hundred times, its very good.

At the end of the in CD there is an interview with the Artist who tells a story about one of the many ghost stories along the Gulf Coast. This one spoke about seeing Selena's walking along the shores of Corpus Christi Beach on hot, quite summer nights. According to people who knew Selena's history, she had led a very troubled childhood, after her father forced her to quit school in order to work and support the family. Anyone who has met him, knows he is large man with a pine apple complexion and looks like Panama's Dictator Mannel Noriega. He had dreams of being a big time promoter and obligated his kids to perform, then treated them harshly. He literally stole Selena's childhood from her by forcing her to perform in the family business which he ran like a dictator. He forced her to drop out of high school, so she never got to experience all the thrills of being young, carefree and happy. He was protective and jealous, so she never had boyfirends. He was alleagedly overly jealous of any male that came around. He was so protective, to the point of causing people to wonder if there wasn't anything inappropriate going on between himself and Sweet,beautiful Selena. No one may ever know that for certain.

What is certain is that he got rich off his children, especaily Selena who is now a legend in the music culture of Texas. We are also asked to believe she was murdered by Yolanda, the woman who worshipped her. The father accused her of stealing, but this is suspect, others suggest there was a sexual relationship between her and Yolanda. It is noteworthy to remember Yolanda claimed Selena's father sexually assulted her with a loaded pistol, which led her to buying a gun for protection. Again, this may never be known. What is known is that Selena was killed by a bullet fired from a gun Yolanda was holding, the rest is music legend. Alleagedly the Mexican Mafia placed a bounty on Yolanda's head and she went into hiding after being released from prison. The details of what led up to her murder, and sexual nature of their relationship may never be known.Many are hoping Yoland leaves her story behind someday.

The legend of Selena's ghost begins shortly after she was buried at Sea Side Memorial park, less than a block form the ocean, along Ocean View blvd. in Corpus Christi, Tx. People who come by the thousands to view her grave have reported hearing her singing just as the sun sets,on hot, quite summer nights. People have reported seeing her walking on Corpus Christi beach along the sea wall, near the T-heads and the Holiday Inn.

I had given up the idea of Selena's Ghost until I read a book called The Sorcerer's Secret's, at The Toltec Institute which mentions's the same story, by a completely different person.Iwas so impressed by the book, that I decided to go visit Selena's grave at Sea Side Memorial Park. After sharing the story with friends we planned to park near the burial grounds then sneak over the fence and stand vigil by her grave. It was easy, there no guards,no dogs and no one was there. I was not prepared for what happened next. We had not been there longer than an hour when we noticed a shadowy woman's figuer moving form the road onto the grave itself, standing still, sitting, standing then raising. It was spooky as hell, then we heard a woman's voice crying. The strangness of the sound made it difficult to recognize the voice, but it was clearly a woman's voice and she was crying. We stood there transfixed in awe, a little scared but completely blown away. The legends of Selena's Ghost is true. After a few moments it disappeared. I got the nerve to walk up to the grave and take a little of the dirt from her grave. I wanted to take a little bit of her with me, I guess.

The next day all of us were still stuned by what we'd experienced. I felt bad about taking the dirt. I wanted to take it back but didn't want to risk it, so we took the dirt to Corpus Christi Beach, and left it there. It was then I realized why Selena's Ghost had also been seen along this beach. Other people had done the same thing, and Selena's ghost and energy are clearly connected to the earth and sand of the area. Her grave site is only a few miles form the beach, plus other people must have brought dirt form her grave site and left it here, so she appears here as well.

The nights along the gulf coast are very dark, quite and muggy. During the summer when there is no breez coming in off the sea,it gets very humid and mist forms. Sometimes a melodic. agreedable sound is heard, humming sweetly carried by the humid, hot night. Some say its only music floating in from passing cars, I believe it's Selena's sweet voice which lingers over the beach she loved so much. For those of you who wish to hear her voice,you should know Corpus Christi is a beautiful city, with lots to do. They have a small statue of her not far from where she's been seen walking along the shore.

Sent in by Blues boxing, Copyright 2010


  1. This is a great story, wow, I gotta go. I'm gonna get a group of my firends and make a run down there before I have to start next semester. I've been to Corpus before but I never knew it was so spooky. I looked up the CD it was great. I bought twenty copies of it, its gonna become a collectors item. And, I went to The Toltec, man, you gotta read that, wow! I ordered two copies of the book and have gotten a dozen wows!, from all my firends, you gotta check it out.

    great story, and thanks for the great tip.

    1. Shes lovely i loved to see her alive

    2. ok first of all this story has a bunch of holes in it. its not true at all. seconded YOU CANT TAKE ANY DIRT FROM HER GRAVE BECAUSE THERE IS NO DIRT ON HER GRAVE. IVE BEEN THERE MANY TIMES AND IT IS COVERED IN CONCRETE AND A BIG COPPER FACE OF HER. Duh!

    3. Selena supposedly in he'll burning that's what someone claimed who died and Jesus took her to hello see all the famous people there

    4. I was thinking the same thing about the availability of dirt off her grave comma the first reply post was probably the same person that wrote the story just to get people to buy the CD and books! ��

    5. liesssss liess , selena is an angel and her music will live on ... stop making up stories u puta

  2. Hey, I don't believe any of this! Not one bit!

    1. It's true, I know its also true what I read on YouTube about Princess Di faking her death. She lives in a condo in Uruguay with Elvis, Robin Williams, MJ and David Bowie just moved in this week.

    2. I'm so sad about her death and shame on her father for being so money hungry i still to this day love Selena and she can be my guardian angel and her ghost is welcome in my life and home anytime

  3. this is so amazing i belevie something like this can happen

    1. that is really scary that her ghost was actully seen walking on the beach near her grave site i would be shocked if i saw her walking on the beach but her ghost would be where she lost her life at the motel room

    2. Sometimes I want to kill myself just to see her.....

    3. You can't do that. Please wait to see her. She would want you to live. She didn't have a choice, you do. Choose life.

    4. When the soul leaves the body it can go any where. My mom died in Louisville Ky and now she is here with me. Love is with them to...

    5. I totally agree with sometimes i want to kill myself just to see her

    6. Let her rest in peace and blessings to her family God protect her

  4. That is not selena, selena rest in peace, I think that is satan

    1. i agree with you

    2. I totally agree with you, satĂĄn takes form of many dead people to scare those who are still alive

    3. Or mislead them

  5. If u all ask me I think y'all should really rest in peace and quit bugging her she was a very beautiful and talent girl who will always be remember but taking the dirt that its covering her body its not kool..n then just
    trow in it sumwhere else??really??.no wonder her spirit hasn't found where to rest. Is because of stupid ppl like u

  6. this is crazy!!!. do u really beleive urself? i think parts of it happen but not everything. i guess its up to u to believe urself!. she was a beauty. yea her dad wasnt the best but what ever happen its between her and her fam its not for u to be on her saying something that might not be true. like u said only selena knows what happen! this isnt cool! leave her alone! RIP Selena we love and miss u

    1. Lol "RIP Selena we love and miss u" budy I think you are a few years late for that and I don't think she can hear you.

  7. ya well spooky much ?? i was born in 1997 ... but i love selena .. if she was still alive i think i wud hav gone to alot of concerts. pero no thanks to Yolanda, i cant. i believe in ghosts. and sometimes i wonder if mi madre is still out there. i dont think you should have taken the dirt. that does not match with the "rip" thing at all. leave her alone, love her from the heart. she was amazing. i can tell from her songs and movie. i want to see her grave soo much. pero mi Papa wont take me. well ... adiĂłs

    RIP selena <3
    and i guess .. good luck Yolanda :/


  9. We all believe what we want to believe. We see what we want to see. Be aware of what we say or do affects others, not just ourselves.

    1. Yes, that is so true! There is some sort of effects that we leave behind after we say things to people whether negative or positive.

  10. Yolanda is still in jail and isnt even up for parol until 2025.

    1. I hope she doesn't get out of jail or have some one bail her out of jail because she ended a life of a person with great potential and influence which could be felt wherever she went.

    2. Yep! That's the one comment in the story that made me realize for sure it was fiction!

  11. I believe it but i think its wrong of u taking the dirt from her grave. That's her resting spot, not for fans to be taking to have a piece of her with them. Its very disrespectful.

    1. True, True, so True! No one gave the privilege to the fans to take a dirt from her grave site then throw it somewhere on the beach. Her grave site should not have been disrespected like in that manner.

  12. I read the book that Chris Perez her husband wrote about Selena and their life together. Saying stuff about her Father and her being sexually involved with Yolanda is all lies, Yolanda was obsessed with Selena but I doubt Selena would be interested in her Yolanda is butt ugly!!

  13. I wondered if Selena had a ghost and if anyone had seen her. I just found this page with the story of her ghost.
    Selena was at the top of her game so to speak. was working on a cross over album in English. Selena was happy until she found Yolanda stole from the fan club. Selena wanted answers. She thought she would get them when she went to meet Yolanda. When Selena was shot she knew she was in trouble as she went to get help for herself. Can you imagine the fear and panic Selena was feeling as she made her way to the lobby bleeding along the way. Selena was nowhere ready to die. She had her life TAKEN from her like a thief in the night.
    We all have a soul a spirit if you will. When we die where does our spirit go? I believe if it was a violent death the sprite hangs around wrestles, searching for answers. If it is a calm peaceful death then the spirit can rest in peace. Selena's is wrestles with her violent death. Selena roams the beach a place Selena would go to be at peace.
    Selena's spirit is not evil so it would not hurt you if you were close to it. I wonder if the spirit would speak if one would listen. What would she say? She crys because she had everything taken away from her when Yolanda shot her and ended her life. Selena can not rest due to the nature of her death and it being

    1. Weirdo.. every soul rests in peace

    2. Her Dad should have hired a Lawyer, and not let his beloved Selena get involved.
      She would still be here if her Dad got a Lawyer instead.

    3. I agree. I get Selena was mostly in charge and very independent of her business decisions, but why was her family okay with her handling this? They should have just let her work, and handled the Yolanda matter themselves. Selena worked herself so hard all the time anyway. So tragic she was taken so senselessly.

    4. Me and selena quintanilla ghost is in love and I know what happened. Because she told me .

  14. I believe in ghosts. Me and my daughter love Selena. I don't think she can rest in peace until she has answers. She will get them someday. But until then she will continue to haunt the hotel or the beach or the grave. People stop taking her dirt. Its only hurting her. We love you Selena

  15. Its possible her ghost lingers. She died so tragically. Her spirit may be lost trying to figure out what happened. I don't think they were lesbians. Selena was up to no good with that doctor. Yolanda had proof she was cheating on Chris. Selena wanted her out of her life and the videos.... yolanda was nothing without selena. She was desperate and jealous and killed her in a fit of rage. Those videos are in a safety deposit box and only Yolanda knows. It's all so trgic. I think she died in the lobby of days inn. So her ghost could be there and at her house.... and the grave..

  16. I would like to see her ghost and tell her im sorry she had to go though this I love her music and I will never well loving her music she is so much better singing then some I hear today so RIP selena

  17. i love you selena you are deeply missed

  18. RIP Selena <3 I'm "Dreaming Of You"! God bless you and your family...

    From : Your biggest fan

    I miss and love you ... I hope your reading this from heaven , we still miss and love you . You will be in my heart forever! :)

  19. I've actually met Yolanda... She came to one of my classes one day and told us this whole story and how the government/police were involved. She seems nicer now, but what went down wasn't very pleasant. I very nearly had an anxiety attack on hearing it. But hearing that Selena still haunts my home town just makes the story even sadder... I knew there was something eerie about being around that Selena statue for me. I know she doesn't haunt it's area, but something about that statue always used to tell me that somehow, she wasn't gone, no matter how often my family told me she was dead when I was little. I didn't know why, but I never believed them. There was a song by her I used to love too, come to think of it. But I can't remember for the life of me what it was called! It used to play all the time on the radio here and it was a love song...

    1. What did Yolanda tell you....

    2. Missing My Baby?

    3. Liar you didnt meet yplanda she's not even out of prison your just as Looney as the person who wrote this fake article

    4. It may be true. Raggedy Ann may have been (or is) a teacher for the Windham Schools or a volunteer. Windham is the school district for TDCJ. Yolanda may have attended her class at the prison she is assigned to. Who knows, but they do offer classes to inmates. So she could have met her that way.

  20. I miss you Selena!!!

  21. You wanted to take dirt from her to have a piece of her..Why not let her have a piece from you by you taking flowers, lil paper notes, anything lil and cute to place over her headstone... Her life was taken from her and so much! least people can do is not take anything off of her gravestone.... ):

  22. Yolanda is a liar and a manipulator it's funny how some of ya'll are stating facts that you read off of somewhere acting like you did your research on her....nah. Try watching Yolanda interviews and catch her in her lies from years ago to recent. She keeps changing her stories up..

  23. We still love u selena!!!!never will forget u

  24. This story is bullshit. 1st. Yolanda hasn't been released from prison. 2. Selena finished school through mail. 3. Selena loved her family, she was a daddy's girl, always spoke great about her father, she had much respect for him. 4. Yolanda is trying to taint Selena's memory by making up stories that she can't even coordinate right.....even if there was something else going on...whatever it was doesn't change the fact that she shot Selena and had planned it. Selena didn't believe in these type of things, I doubt her soul stayed behind lingering.

    1. Yes selena loved her father but her father is evil.

  25. I believe Selina is in heaven singing with the angels, I believe in spirits, but I don't think she is walking the beach when she has a chance to be in Heaven singing for God.

  26. What in the hell are you talking about??? Yolanda is still in prison and won't even be eligible for parole until 2025. Second of all, try spell check, and lastly, her family has suffered more than enough losing their daughter at such a young age, to make veiled threats and accusations regarding alleged inapporpiate behavior between her and her father is disgusting, slanderous, and unnessecary. I am not denying he exploited Selena in life and death for profit but I can't believe he also exploited her for his own sexual gratification...

  27. This whole storie is stupid!! Get a life and let Selena rest...

  28. love you Selena!

  29. R.I.P.Selena! U were vry loved!


    1. Well that's funny seeing as how she's in a maximum security prison and isn't eligible for parole until 2025...

    2. I don't believe this story...but i want to set the record straight for her families sake. A transfusion wouldnot have helped. Her main artery was completely severed. When she got to the hospital there was no blood in her chest....the doctor couldnt repair the artery fast enough. The doctor filled three big syringes with blood and stabbed her in the heart while trying to repair the artery but it was coming out as fast as he put it in and she went into cardiao arrest

  31. This is all BS. Let Selena rest in peace. To believe anything that Yolanda would say is a joke and you should be ashamed of yourself calling yourself a fan, yet you would believe the woman that murdered Selena. Also, those are some pretty heavy allegations to direct towards her Father and you should again be ashamed... and to say that Selena and Yolanda had a relationship... what is wrong with you? Also I might add you should do better research before you go stating facts people, while it's true that Selena and her family were Jehovah Witnesses and they don't believe in blood transfusions... they didn't deny her one, by the time the family was notified Selena had already passed away, and FYI...she was D.O.A and they still tried to work on her and give her blood bc of her celebrity status.

    1. I hope and pray that Selena is with GOD...I see whey not she was very loving.

    2. Exactly.....she did receive a blood transfusion, and was D.O.A.....her veins collapsed. I wish some people really did research on things that are not true. It's an unfortunate situation.

  32. This is absolutely one of the most ridiculous articles I have ever read. I am a native of Corpus Christi (born and raised). I know all about Selena I grew up on the same street she lived(yes while she was alive and living there). The ghost stories about her are almost non-existent. Yolanda was obsessed and embezzling money. She also always made up stories. Yes her father was a hard -you-know-what but all this other speculation is nonsense. Also, before "Selena's ghost" was haunting the Bayfront there was a story of the lady dressed in white who haunted the shoreline. Please let the poor girl rest in peace without making up more ridiculous stories about her. R.I.P Selena.

  33. Selena never had a lesbian relationship with Yolanda. I think Yolanda had lesbian crush on Selena. Yolanda never had a husband or Children, She saw Selena was Rich and Beautiful so She wanted Selena For Herself.
    You all are blind. Chris is the one You all should be blaming. He killed Selena. He knew Yolanda was gonna kill Her that day. He let Selena leave the House all alone so She could get Hurt. If notice Chris never smiled much when Selena was alive. After She died He smiles alot. He was with Selena for money, name, and fame. I hate Chris for purposely letting Selena die just so He could have freedom to party and be wild. Also to form his own band.

  34. Oh Please....Yolanda has never been released from prison and will never be.

  35. How can you say chris killed selena. He loved her so much. I read the book and i feel the love he had for her. Selena is in heaven singing with the angels. Because she was an angel when she was alive. Beautiful , kind, and a great artist. R.I.P SELENA!

  36. @Margaret Allen because he did. He knew about the gun and purposely did not tell the Police or Abraham. Selena told Him that morning of March 31, that she is meeting with Yolanda to get documents and to take Yolanda to the hospital for the rape. Chris never really cared that is why he did not go with her. He only wrote the book to profit off Her name to cover child support that he has to pay for his 2 Children by His Wife Vanessa because She divorced Chris. Chris is a con artist.He is ghetto from the streets. He is fooling every one. He instigated and triggered Yolanda to murder his wife so no other Man would have Her and to get Her fans, fame, and Her money. Selena was about to divorce Him. She considered it before and She was still considering it.
    I hope Chris rots in hell for sacrifice his Wife in order to get Her fans, fame, and Her money.

  37. So her soul can't be able to rest at all? That's sad.

  38. So dumb! Please let Selena rest already...
    She was murdered by a person who was obsessed with her...

  39. I don't get this whole Selena' s ghost resting. Shouldn't she just RIP like she suppose to? Is she still looking for answer for what happened? And if so, is she still doing it today, you know, killing for justice? Somebody help me out.

    1. My bad, I accidentally said killing for justice. I meant to say finding justice. Sorry.

  40. I had a weird experience a few weeks ago with a spirit. I was watching the last Selena Live concert and my computer screen and lights flickered on and off a few times. It was very strange and I had to stop watching because it wouldn't stop flickering. I felt nervous and a little scared. I checked to see if there was a power outage and I checked my extension chord and the chords in the computer and lamp and there was nothing wrong with anything. I truly feel like Selena's spirit was trying to communicate something to me. I was wondering if anyone else had any experience like this. Very interesting. Thanks for an interesting story, but I think you should retract saying anything bad about Selena's family. They all cared for her and loved her and wanted the best for her. Calm down with the crazy speculation.

    1. Technical difficulties!

    2. No mortal persons spirit roams the earth, the dead are ignorant of the living.

    3. All of u guys should know Chris really love her and Selena family know he started using drugs and stop eating and he felt guilty for not protecting Selena and stop judging him also he did not use her for her money or fame RIP Selena u will always be love even if people make lies or make up stuff about ur family life and husband

  41. If you actually believe this you are ignorant as well, none of these facts are true for goodness sake, Yolanda is in prison until 2025 so she is NOT reliesed therefore I knew this story was full of shit and stopped reading from then on. How can someone go about their life knowing they made a crappy article that had no true facts in it about one of the most amazing artists in history, wow so pathetic. 😒

  42. Ok I Do not believe this story at all selena is at peace in heave performing for everyone. Not walking around being miserable. Selena is a very good person because of the way she was raised. And just because her dad got her in the music business doesn't mean anything she loved what she did. She worked hard and got lots or awards for that. Rip selena we dodnt just love your talent we loved your personality too

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Must be her. Not sure. After all, some people heard or saw Selena's ghost. Not that I believe them. Just saying.

  44. This is not a very well written article about Selena. Most of the information stated are false and based on lies and where in the world did you get the idea that Yolanda is released from prison? lmao.She's still serving a life sentence in prison and is eligible for parole in 2025
    Do your research

  45. Everything in this story is false. First of all, Yolanda isn't out of prison. She's in there for the rest of her life and won't even be eligable for parole until 2025. Secondly, her father never did anything sexual to Selena. That's his daughter! She loved him and always spoke greatly of him. Third, I'm pretty sure that Selena liked her childhood. She loved to sing and she performed just like she wanted to. Of course she wasn't like other kids, but that didn't seem to bother her that much. Fourth, Selena had one boyfriend who became her husband in 1992. His name was Chris Peréz. How don't you know that? All of her fans knew that. Fifth, you can't take dirt from her gravesight if there isn't any dirt around! Her gravesight is made out of concrete with her face on it, so you must have been at the wrong place if you took dirt from a gravesight, because it wasn't her's. Finally, I'll talk about how Selena died, but I won't get into to much detail because there's a lot that I would have to explain, so I'll make this short and simple. Selena Quintanilla-Pérez was shot at the Days Inn Motel in Corpus Christi, Texas. Yolanda Saldívar shot her in the shoulder, severing a main artery. She ran to the entrance of the building asking for help. The workers that were there called 911. Before she passed out, she gave the bumber of the room where she had been shot at and told them that Yolanda was the one who shot her. The ambulance came and took her to the hospital. They performed surgery on her for 50 minutes, but then realized that the damage that was done couldn't be fixed. At 1:05PM, Selena was pronounced dead from blood loss and cardiac arrest. Her life and legacy will never be forgotten. I love you Selena, with all of my heart. I can't wait to meet you one day. I'm pretty sure that all of your other fans feel the same way. R.I.P Selena Quintanilla-Pérez.


  47. I don't even think she's supposed to roam around as a spirit. Once ppl die, they have eternal rest until Jesus comes for the 2nd time. When that happens, all bodies (including Selena's) gets resurrected. And all that will happen during the rapture. Imagine if I get to see her body being resurrected with my very own eyes? That'll be cool. Anyways, this story is false and we should let her rest in peace. And be patient because you might get to see her again. Think about that. God bless.

  48. I own a Ouija board and one night I asked to speak to Selena.. I asked her what happened no answer, more then a little disappointed I put it up and went to bed.. I had a dream I was Selena and I was arguing with Yolanda. I told her our friendship was over.. I turned to leave, she demanded her ring back.. I looked down at it, took it off turned to give it back, I saw the gun and screamed Yolanda yelled don't leave shut the door.. I started to run out then I heard the gun go off, I hit the door frame the pain in my shoulder was mind numbing.. Blood was everywhere I fought off the burning hot pain, I could smell my own blood and it was making me sick and dizzy.. I woke up shaking, my shoulder ached and burned off and on all day.. Yes, I think Selena answered my question.. I believe her final thought was I don't want to die. .sadly she knew she wouldn't survive.. That's why she named her killer.. She was afraid Yolanda would hurt someone else. Possibly someone at the Motel, maybe Chris or her Dad. .Don't believe me? .. I could care less after all I was there you weren't! Peace out!



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