I've had multiple run ins with vampires and I now have a new outlook on modern day vampires. Whether or not you believe my stories is up to you, but I utterly believe that I have a guardian angel in the form of a vampire that watches over me.
I have read through several vampire stories here. I'm surprised to see how many experiences others have had! I would like to share my own experiences, for I have had several.
When I was really little, I used to have this babysitter who was also my after school teacher. She was an older lady (maybe 45 or older) and she used to tell me all these scary ghost stories. One day, she told me that she was going to tell me a secret. She told me that I have a natural talent for keeping the paranormal away. I didn't really understand at the time, but I always remembered the last thing she said to me that day. "You must stink to every spirit, ghost, or witch around! But vampires might be a problem for you."
Ever since then, I've had multiple run ins with vampires. When I was in the 4th grade, my friend had woods behind her house. One day, we decided to explore them. She told me that to figure out if you were close to her house, there was a strange shaped tree that you could look for. The tree was shaped like a lopsided heart, and the branches grew out and then down, like vines. She ran far ahead of me, and I ended up getting lost.
It started to get dusky outside and I sat down in the leaves and started crying. I was only 9 at the time, so I was extremely scared. I heard a lot of rustling and looked around hoping it was my friend. I didn't see anything. Then I heard it again, and I thought maybe it was a dog or something. The wind was blowing fiercely around me even though it had been perfectly calm before the rustling started. I felt like the wind was wrapping its arms around me to hold me and comfort me. I heard a voice telling me that everything would be okay, but when I turned to look, no one was there. I was really freaked out at this point, so I started walking, and that's when I ran into him. He was a little taller than an average man, and he was pale. His eyes were a really deep blue but had a red tint near the iris. He smelled really strange, like compost and cinnamon. His hair was really long and black, almost down to his knees. This person (or vampire, I would later think, looking back) wrapped his arms around me and told me not to cry, because I would find my friend. I will never forget that smell. When I recoiled (because of the smell), he smiled at me and walked away.
I walked a short distance only to find that weird tree was right there in front of me the whole time. I found the house and I told my friend and her mom, but they didn't believe me. They said they had no neighbors like that.
Several years later, when I was in the 7th grade, I was in West Virginia visiting my grandmother. She had just recently been re-diagnosed with breast cancer, and we knew she would not make it much longer. When I was really young, I always used to walk on the train tracks down to the tunnel. I got there and it was kind of rainy, so I decided to head back. I was walking on the tracks and I had headphones on listening to music. Usually trains don't come through at the time I was walking, and I knew that. But for some reason, my grandma later explained, the schedule had been thrown off because of a part of the track that had closed. A train was coming at me and I couldn't even hear it. The rain started to pick up so I started to run against it, still unaware of the train. Suddenly, my music stopped and in my headphones I could hear someone softly saying, "Look out, the train is coming!" And I turned around and was swept off of my feet immediately afterwards. I thought I had died. Someone had grabbed me and moved me from the tracks. But there was no one around. Later that night, I was taking a bath and I heard a knock on the window. Of course, I was freaked out and wasn't going to open it. Whoever was out there opened it, and a gust of wind came in and I could hear someone's voice saying that they would always protect me.
My most recent story takes place only a few weeks ago. I was at the beach with my family and cousins and was walking along at night. They ran ahead of me, which I liked because I got to talk on the phone to my boyfriend. I was suddenly confronted by a man. Patrick kept saying there was static on the phone as I was staring at this man. I immediately hung up and started to dial 911. The wind (as usual) picked up again, and the man came closer. I threatened him, saying I would call the police if he didn't leave me alone. He kept coming closer and I started to run. I felt the wind arms around me again and I felt like I was being pulled. I turned around and walked to the man. He had long black hair and the same eyes just like the man in the forest had so many years ago. He hugged me and told me that he's always watching over me, and that nothing will harm me. That smell came back... the one of compost and cinnamon. He kissed me on the forehead and his lips felt extremely cold. He smiled the way he did before and walked away. Several minutes later, my boyfriend called me back. He told me that he kept calling, but the phone kept hissing instead of ringing. I walked back to the house alone. I was in so much shock and a little scared, but then I felt comforted.
I now have a new outlook on modern day vampires. I don't think they're as bad as everyone says. Many people, including my friends who study the paranormal, have told me that I naturally repel evil spirits, and some have even noted that I smell like the compost and cinnamon. Whether you believe my stories is up to you, but I utterly believe that I have a guardian angel in the form of a vampire that watches over me.
Written by Brittany, Copyright 2010