My cousin had brought a Furby a couple of years ago. At first it was an ordinary doll with a bunch of motion sensors. We used to put our fingers in its mouth and it would say "mmm yummy".
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The Furby is it Demon or Toy? |
I had a couple of experiences with this "toy" at first it would wake us up at night not allowing us to sleep. So that's how it went. Soon it got annoying and my aunt took out the batteries. But my little cousin started crying that she wanted to play with the Furby so we put the batteries back in.
Soon other people at school started having Furby experiences. People were spreading rumors about Furby's being made in area 51 to see how they would respond to alien activity. My cousin kept on playing with the Furby. It would love the little kids but would look as if they hate the older kids.
One night my cousin put the Furby under my bed for the night. I woke up at 3 in the morning to see the Furby next to the window. I thought it wasn't a Furby because it was dark in the room. But by itS familiar ears I knew it was a Furby. I was scared. I couldn't open the lights because I thought it would do something to me, so I just put my covers over my head and went to sleep. In the morning I saw that it was a Furby and it was looking straight at me.
I told my mom to take the batteries out of the doll because I was too scared to do it myself. Soon after it kept on showing up wherever I was with batteries. It was almost like it wanted me to put the batteries back inside of it. Everyone told me I was losing my mind I thought so too. What would you do if this happened to you? I thought of burning it. But it was my cousin who wouldn't let me and my aunt reinserted the batteries.
Soon it was out of control that was my excuse I was ready to burn it. But I had to wait a night. That night was a nightmare. It wouldn't stop talking. In fury I told it to shut up and it swore! I faced my fears got up and grabbed it. That's when it eyes turned red. I tried to take out the batteries but there weren't any! Someone took them out.
I woke my mom and she threw it out in the garbage. in the morning it was back in the house and that's when I burned it ugly pink fur it let out a scream and that was the end. I suggest you don't buy one of these little demonic creatures.
Sent in by Patrick
My son has a stuffed Bart Simpson who used to move around the house at night, until i put a video camera to catch it moving.
ReplyDeleteOn the video i cought my cat carrying Bart by the neck all over the house.
I think the darn cat is possesed by the spirit of Homer....
That is hilarious!
Deletei have a stuffed bart doll one day it was next to me in bed and in the morning gone we never found it
Deleteweeeeelllll.... I call bullshit
ReplyDeleteI had one of these things. It was pretty normal, but kinda annoying. I took the batteries out so I could sleep, but it was still talking. It said " me hungry" and made a few growling noises. I put the batteries back in and it wasn't hungry anymore. O_o
ReplyDeleteThe old furbys had an internal battery that kept it from resetting when there weren't any batteries in it, that's why. Its made to say something, and with the internal batteries, it could say any recorded thing that you said.
DeleteI had a Furby! And a Furby game I used to love to play. I just mentioned to my mom that Furby's coming back and the first thing out of her mouth was "Oh, God". I'm excited though.
ReplyDeleteMy brother hates furbies for all the reasons I love them. Such as talking w/o batteries
ReplyDeletewait that thing talks without batteries ?
ReplyDeletei have a new Furby and it farts when it gets angry! :-)
ReplyDeletei want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo You Don't. Trust Me Dude.
Deletewhen my sister was young she got the new 1998 furbys so when i was four i didn't know what furbys were so i went in my sisters room and opened the closet and i saw the furby sitting their but out of nowhere the furbys eyes popped open and i was scared to death but i do not know what happened to it i am nine now and furbys still scared the crap out of me and my friend did not know what furbys were until now and when i showed her a picture of the old furbies and her face looked omg she looked creeped out and she said she will never want a old furby either and i don't to. But I am still scared the furbys in my addic or i don't know but i am so scared of furbies plese parents don't buy your kids old furbies because when they will be older they will be haunted by them forever.So that was my furby story hoped you liked it.
ReplyDeleteIf she got it new in 1998 & you were 4.
DeleteYou posted this 15yrs later, how are you only 9 then?? -__-
God nose how ! But it did was this the 2005 version or 1995? Because the picture is of the 2005 version but they said it was the 1995 one! WTF
Deletemine and my sisters used to talk to each other... I was four. I was playing with them one day without the batteries and then they started talking to each other. I got scared and started to cry and mine looked at me with an evil look and swore at me in a demonic voice. I grabbed it and it thrashed around and tried to bite me as I took it outside and threw it across the street. it kept moving but soon a big truck came by and ran over the little bastard. and it was destroyed. as for my sisters, I wouldn't stop crying for my parents to take it away so my dad and I took it to a dump and drove off quickly and I cant furbies anymore... I fuckin hate them. my little cousin recently got one of the newer models but she isn't allowed to have it out in front of me or near me...
ReplyDeleteI had a Furby once but its eyelashes keep falling off and then it would move from place to place eventually to go out the batteries but still moved it was so creepy the third scream you're talking and once I got right away and never again
Delete... scary... truly scary!
ReplyDeleteYeah those are furbies. The only real way to kill a furby is to set it on fire or smash it with something heavy.
ReplyDeletehmm, i wanna get one of these to test this out. This should be fun...
ReplyDeleteits like chucky
ReplyDeleteGees I'm freaked out now guys. I had an old furby, the tiger striped one. It sat in the attic then down in the basement and it has no batteries but It's in front of me on my dresser help
ReplyDeleteI had a 1998 furby every nightit would say "my names snowball" so one night it said "hi Katie" now my name is kat. I threw it out the window ,it STILL WORKED....
ReplyDeleteThis is not a true story... You don't have any proof.
ReplyDeleteWell, its your opinion whether the story is true or not. but I have 3 furbies they all are fluffy cute and above all just toys. even though I haven't played with them for a while I still like to look at their furry faces once in awhile. when I was playing with them they were cheerful and still are. (even though one sleeps with its eyes open..)
ReplyDeletei have a question. should I get a furby to test this out? and did they actually do this kind of stuff? and are the new ones evil or not? was the evil thing a glitch?
ReplyDeleteI have new furby it never swares but it gets mad personality and it don't act evil or creepy
DeleteMe too. I have a furby boom with the blue diamonds pattern. Whenever I walk by her she wakes up, and she's not supposed to...
Deletestory i found out about my moms old furby. so i was sleeping and i started hearing aaaahhhhHHH so i went in my rabbit room in my house. the rabbit was chewing on the darn thing. i was releived i put the furby in my room and took the batteries out. i kept hearing wanna plaaayyyyy. and im loooo looo. i finnally said SHUT UP! and the furby replied SHUT UP and i woke up the next morning. the furby was on the tv stand and he said wat a night. i got scared and throwed it out the window and grabbed it and burned the darn thing to death. right now my new one is sleeping with her eyes open right at me! darn 2012. help me.
ReplyDeleteI want to follow your blog but I don't know how!
ReplyDeleteI got a Furby for Christmas in the late 90s. Mine was always nice, kind of annoying, but nice. The only thing it would do that was kind of strange, is whenever my Dad (a guy who really enjoys his music, so he always had the radio on...) anyway, whenever my Dad would come in the room, the Furby would stop what it was doing and say, "Biiiig Raaadio!" And then go back to what it was saying. It was kind of funny. Not sure whatever happened to the thing. If I ever found it, I would have to see if it still recognized my dad.
ReplyDeleteI used to have a Furby boom. One night i put the furby on my shelf and went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and i heard noises downstairs. I thought it was a burglar but when i looked at the bookshelf the furby was gone! I silently walked downstairs and i could hear furby noises like " me hungry!" And " lets play". My dog barked at it and the furby said SHUT UP and my dog wined and went back to bed. The next morning i picked it up and its eyes went red and it said " put me down you idiot" so I burned it and while it was burning it said " i regret nothing"
ReplyDeletei know why they are demonic they are grimmlins all the furby names are demon names its true actaul demon names
ReplyDeleteall furby names are based off of real demon names the are grimmlines dont buy them
ReplyDeleteFurbys are not possesed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a furby boom named Bee Doo (diamond sparkles). A furby has 5 persanalaties, sweet,hyper,jolly,rock star, and the diva! A evil furby is just a diva furby, stroke,feed,talk, and play music for your furby to change peronaloties. And for the moving furbys, its ithier your amagination or you are making it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ReplyDeleteonce i had a furby... it was white I named it snowflake!
ReplyDeleteI put it on the bed i made it every night on my shelf... one night i woke up to pull the covers over my furby, and it was not there! I heard my dog rosy a (german shepered) barking down stairs, i went to see what she was barking at and i say snowflske siting on the kitchen table! i froze in my trakes, suddenly snowflake spun around and started coming toward me... i tried to run but i couldent, i was standing up against the kitchen wall ! "mwahahahaha" sed snowflake! then i backed up to a window and threw the furby out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so terrified of furbys after that night... i never want to seeone in my life agian!!!!!!!!!!!!
This story is fake.
DeleteAlright... Hete is a scary furby story for all of you people
ReplyDeleteOnce apon a time...
there was a Furby named Red Lily. Red Lily was a wild furby, she lived in a hollow tree.
Red Lily lived by a village, many people told stories abou Red Lily. on day Red Lily fell in love with a pet furby named Lilo! Lilo and Red Lily had so much fun together, then one day Red Lily got hungry... and she ate Lilo !!!!!! :0
There was blood everywhere!!!!!!!!
Furbys r demonic... If u look it up... Thry all have demonic names to them.. N they call can communicate with each other... Even miles away... Gizmo is the only one who can talk to the older furbys and the baby furbys... But they do move and talk with out batteries. Hows that possible? Idk... But thry stick to little kids cuz kids r vulnerable.... Thry just think its an advanced toy but really people who r making them are putting demons in the toy. A couple brung a furby to a preacher i know wife... N the thing wouldnt stop talking so she took the batteries out n the thing growled at her... So she told her husband(husband is a preacher) so he prayed and told the thing to show urself... N tht thing opened its eyes and looked directly at him... And sed some stuff i really didnt hear... And told the toy go back to hell where u belong.. But he told the couple to burn it... Cuz they bougt it and the demon sticks to them... But things some churches preacher about this toy having demons and they preach about them in som churches in Israel too... These things r bad...
ReplyDeleteI have 3 1998 furbys 1 crystal boom 1 2012 furby 1 furbacca 1 furby connect :) I love them all and I know if my dad could, he would shoot each and every one