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Bolling Hall |
This episode had Susan absolutely terrified where she had to go and have a cup of tea and a chat with our lovely paranormal investigator Steven. As Rosey spoke about the incident later it had totally baffled her and Melonie who had witnessed all the three occurrences, Rosey added that she had never seen such power from the spirit world as to open a door so violently.
Glynn, Craig and Karl were amazed when attempting spirit communication through table tapping, when however many times they tapped on the table the same number of taps was repeated on the table by the unseen hands of the spirit world. In another room coughing was heard so audibly in the room that it was as though someone in the room had actually done it, however there was no one in the corner where the noise had emanated from. This was not the only ghostly voice heard, in a number of vigils the sound of a woman moaning was heard clearly by many ghost hunters in the group.
In the cellar Mel our lady medium felt the ghostly hands of a spectral being touch her arm, and also whilst attempting to contact the supernatural; inhabitants of Bolling Hall via the K2 meters, the spirit world responded by spiking the K2s on request for a considerable amount of time to the groups amazement.
There was some fascinating results with the Franks box too, when yet again specific answers were given to specific questions, again the results we gathered with the Franks box gives more and more credence to the white noise theory.
In the blue bedroom Christina saw the mattress on the bed dip, as though someone had just sat on the bed, plus she also mentioned that she may have briefly seen the apparition of a man in the direction of the bed. The sighting of light anomolies was also reported, blue lights were said to be seen moving around by Simon and Rowena.
In another vigil the table was seen to be tipping on request to each member of that vigil and also glided across the room on request too. However on a final note both Tania and Nicola turned their phones off at the beginning of the paranormal investigation, and were staggered to find both of their phones had been turned on later in in the event.
As we said our farewells to all our fantastic ghost hunters for joining Simply Ghost Nights, Dave and Paul for their great help, but we also said a thank you to the former earthly occupants of Bolling Hall for their interaction in making the event a success with the paranormal activity they provided.
Sent in by Simply Ghost Nights
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