Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crazy Vampire Dreams

I swear I'm going crazy. I guess I'll start off like this. I've always been attracted to vampires. I've been fascinated with blood, and apparently, all blood-sucking creatures are just as fascinated with mine; it's a family thing, I suppose, all insects just love to taste our blood - especially mine.

I've been gifted with a few strange abilities, one is to be loved by mainly anything.. animals, humans... though an exception is snakes and things who have lost the ability to love. Animals seem to be more calm when they are around me, they just come up to me, wild animals too. I could take a walk, and butterflies will be constantly around me. I've been gifted with music. All of my musical teachers say I have much more talent than any student they'd ever had. Though, I'm too lazy to practice. I've learned to play the piano, guitar, violin, and now the cello. Two other ones are singing, and art.  But one talent just scares me.

I think I'm crazy, but I know what's going to happen in the future, and I can tell what has happened in the past. I have dreams that keep coming true. Scary ones, that are frightfully accurate. I do not want to go into details, unless needed. My dreams are always very realistic, I can remember once, when I was in 5th grade, I had a dream of being stabbed, and when I woke up, it truly felt like I had gotten stabbed. Of course, only as of recent my dreams have been coming true.

People think that I'm gorgeous. I get told that a lot, but I don't give that much notice, since every girl gets told that. They say I have really pretty (some think they are scary) big dark brown eyes - which some call black. I do like my pretty, long, wavy, dark brown hair, though. My skin is always very very cold, I don't know why. I went to the doctor because I thought maybe I was anemic, or maybe thyroid issues, but that is not the case. I'm perfectly healthy. My eyes are very light sensitive, as well, my eye doctor said that I have some of the most light sensitive eyes he has seen. I should add that I have bad eyesight, so as not to lead you on. I will not claim to be a vampire, since well, both of my parents are human, which means I'm human too.

But despise all that, I wouldn't say I'm an above-average-amazing girl. I'm horrible at sports and math, To top it all off, I'm short. So I have no clue why these dreams keep coming to me. They are so real. It is of this tall, handsome vampire, coming for me, wanting to marry me. Some people would be flattered, but I know better than to be. I guess I will get asked many times of his appearance. Lets start off with body structure. He was very big... a giant (no, not in the obese way) I have no idea how tall he was... just about seven feet... buff, very buff. He has long, dark silk-like hair that came down to the middle of his back, with black stern eyes, long fingers and nails... I think he might've had fangs I'm not sure, but he had shiny pearl teeth with small flushed pink lips. He's always wearing a suit, who knows why. Probably what he explained to me in the dream of what he was in the "vampire world"? I guess?

I will talk about my first dream, which I can not make sense of. Some might say it was of the past, but I do not believe in past lives, or anything of that sort. It was of mansion, filled with vampires in hiding, since we were all sought after by people who hated us. The mansion was owned by a young, vampire aristocrat-ish person. He took in all the sane vampires he could fine and me and my vampire lover (which looks oddly like the vampire I had in my recent dreams - except younger) and put us into the middle of his mansion, which was a forest, in a sort of dome-like place. We all had powers some were more like magicians, making the trees float, and sometimes killing each other. We remained in the dome for years, until the people stopped hunting for vampires, and years later, the magnificent mansion was torn down. I remember at the end of the dream, I was around 23 to 24, and my lover said that he would come back for me. I remember growing old waiting for him, and later died at 65.

My most recent dream was two days ago. It was of me sleeping in my mom's bed, and a murderer had snuck into my house. I remember not being afraid, though the person, who was a light-skinned 25-year old with a mustache, came closer and closer to the bed with a knife. I remember the window was opened, but my vampire came through the wall instead, with a mad expression on his face, he was bigger than anyone could imagine, as big as goliath from the Bible, I would suppose. What he did was gruesome. You can imagine what had happened to this man. I remembered the vampire looking at me with a smile afterwards, bloody smile, saying, "I will come back for you"... If he means what he says, he better do it this time, and not let me die first. But of course, in my dream, I kinda wondered what he was... of course he was a vampire, but not a regular one, you could tell easily by looking at him. He was some important vampire. I remember him describing the vampire world as having leaders, such as us humans have. He was not the president, but more of a Speaker of the House I think that's what he said... He said every year was a day to a vampire.  He said we would be married in 20 years... but I remember telling him that I didn't want to look like I was 35 for the rest of my life, so he told me if I wanted I could look younger. I woke up after that. But I can sense him all around me. I don't think I should believe in these things, but I do.

So this is why I came to this website, I do not know if this will do me any good at all, but I just need to know if this makes sense to anyone but me.

Sent in by Christina


  1. Umm..I don't actually know what to say about this but I know a lot more about the paranormal and Vampires than you think I would

    And I'll be happy to help! :)
    Note from Admin - Comment has been edited - Did you notice the rules next to the comment box where it says DO NOT post your email address or personal contact info and ask others to email you?

  2. Christina,

    Thats intreresting. I have similarish dreams like that.

  3. Admin,
    then how the hell are vampires supposed to meet eachother if you control every single comment?

  4. Vampire Truth AdminApril 1, 2010 at 3:14 PM

    Anya - this is not a dating site nor was it created in order to help people meet each other. Personal contact info is not permitted in the comments and that's it.

    AND I do not "control every single comment". The rules are very short and simple, other than that you're good to go.

  5. Anya,

    I believe a blog is there to comment. Vampire Truth Administration must be careful for the safety of others on this site. Internet luring is a Federal offence and they are looking out for their readers and those that comment. You sound like a contemporary vampire.

  6. Christina ,
    I Love this story=]
    Maybe its a true vampire , lurking in your dreams , waiting for just the right time to come to you in reality. I knew this girl who had a similar experience , a vampire came into her room and said ''I'll be back, when your ready'' . (it was a dream) . I don't really know if he ever came back for her , but it was sure intriguing. I recently had a dream of me waking up , to the world coming alive in such a magnificent way..this was after the 'transformation' of course. The dream 'juiced up' my imagination of how it would be like to be a vampire. But , always - be careful what you wish for. Hopefully your safe=]

  7. rosalind vigee lebrunApril 1, 2010 at 6:50 PM

    Your situation is a serious one. No, you're not a vampire and do not dream of being one because being one literally means bein eternally damned. Are you obssessed with vampires? Maybe there's a psychological cause for that. Perhaps you read Twilight too much or something, but then, I hope you don not dream of becoming a real vampire. IT's horrible enough to have 5 real ones.

  8. That seems so interesting! My eyes are also very light sensitive. I also have crazy dreams sometimes, I have had two crazy vampire dreams and one vision. I had another vision today at the mall, not about vampires, though. Maybe we could talk sometime. I hope to hear from you soon!

  9. But how am I supposed to contact with a person?

  10. Vampire Truth AdminApril 2, 2010 at 4:36 AM

    I am sorry but you aren't. Why cant people understand that this website is NOT here for meeting up with people? If you want to say something to someone here just type it in the comment box.

  11. hey... i also had some dreams dat finally cum true but nd loved by animals i think i can talk dem like dat but its sad story u r living in ur good world having all things in your hand accept ur dreams.. i know wat u feel like but be sure dat u get all happiness nd have u ever tried to ignore the feelings of dream...!!! i dont knw but it nearly worked for me..

  12. Cool,
    And I thought I was the only one who has vampire dreams. I just remember, a few nights ago, that these vampires were telling me that I am one of them. They've shown me how to leap over tall buildings without getting hurt (I know it's strange but it was part of the dream). Before I could say anything to them, I woke up, but I felt them "there" with me. I don't understand that at all. Maybe it was just wishful thinking.

    By the way, great article, Christina.


  13. I don't think that a vamp is eternally "damned". I have heard in the bible a story of Jesus going to a place that was ran over w vamps and it was said he healed them. I feel as if a creator took time to tend to such a person or mass group of people(s), then perhaps the creator would not see them as a demon or a evil force. Bsides I believe in the fact that beings and creatures were placed here for purpose(as simple a deal as the ant to the soil) the creature fits a piece of a large puzzle. One small piece may make it a finished picture. Right or wrong? I don't think he would damn a vamp nomore than a person or snake or crocidile or a crazed dog! Its just roles we all play into and on on life(and not by choice) u are born what u are and with that mentality and unique speciality. I believe we all have structured rules we need to follow to succsied. And that comes into a since of morality which perhaps can give us a concious and a instict on what's right or wrong for us personaly. And that might be just the thin line between human and animal and vamp. But in noway shape or form would a demon be considered a vamp. Unless ur the catholic church. Which I have nothing against either. So to sum this up- I truely don't believe that God wants to just "damn" his creations. And perhaps n the much large piece of the puzzel there is a seemingly intriguing factor to the point of we all do exzist for purpose and live to mature and gain. But being born onto what and with wasn't a option(@ least n some religions). If all that made since... I just don't think they r a damned species. They r just a part of a spectrum n life that has been made to fear by stories and myths. Just like people r scsred of snakes. They don't understand. I'm sure all the snakes we have n the world r really luicifer tempting us."No!" Hell, we don't even c them (rarly) same as a vamp... Ok I'm done mubling! Thanks for the input though! Blessed be!

  14. rosalind vigee lebrunApril 2, 2010 at 6:22 PM

    good point des, what I mean when I say eternally damned is that since vampires live forever, they get an eternal taste of life's hardhips and sufferings. by the way, I read that part too, when jesus cured 30 vampyres in Capernaum. It gives me the hope that to live forever isn't so bad after all, since Jesus, our God, accepted vampyres' existence.

    PS. anyway, im not one of those “people” who are scared of vampyres. I can’t be afraid when I’m…..period.

  15. I am so amazed at how many people dream about being vampires and dreaming bout having a date or day (whatever) with vampyres.

  16. I actually don't like twilight, nor am I obsessed. I'm just plainly attracted.

  17. Hi
    When you walked into the mansion (through the front door) was their a stair case in front of you, which went up a little way then split in two leading both to the right and left, and under the stairs to the right (if your facing it, from the door) was there a kind of bedroom?

  18. Well, I think I can understand why you are so freaked out. It is interesting. But there is a chance of being real. Dreams can come true but there are things that make it possible or not. However I have no idea how to help you since I never could've helped myself. I was killing all my enemies and my so-called friends all over the place. With my best friends on my side, yet they didn't say anything just looked kinda dull. But since i didn't hurt them, they were fine.
    So, as long as you're not killing people around you in your dreams, i think you can wait a little while and relax.[;

  19. Well that's freaky. I actually just had a dream last night I was forced to drink someones blood. I can't rememeber why but I recall being in a car that crashed into something. I do remember that the blood tasted like acid or something alike. It burned all the way down into my stomach and it burned so much that it woke me up.

  20. I'm sorry Admin but some things are private and I find that Christina deserves to know the things I know but not all of the thing I know!
    I find that I know something that might help her!

  21. Ummm..Vampires don't live forever nor for an eternity.!
    Vampires Age 1 year for 30 human years..
    They age much more slowly .. much much more slowly indeed!
    And there are rules for being a vampire too (i'm not one but I know one and don't ask me why I know one) !

    Now you know!

  22. Vampire Truth AdminApril 7, 2010 at 4:04 AM

    Hello Eliza - This is a public website so there can be nothing that is "private"

  23. Ouch. I'd probably wake up aswell, acid. =S And forced? I was at least hunting willingly... and hunger & adrenaline.^^ But still...=S Ouch.

  24. I don't remember the details about the stairs. ): There were many bedrooms, but for some reason most of them stayed in the forest area.

  25. In my dream, vampires talked to me in a secret code that I have to decipher.

  26. really??? I honestly cannot believe you. if i were the vampire that knew you i would be ashamed of you for telling my secret. hmmm does he sparkle in the sunlight like edward?

  27. Hey thats really cool you know I wouldn't think its weird and I would be glad a hot vampire was in my dreams.It gives you something to think about in the day.

  28. I got interested in this web site for the same reason i had dreams for about a month
    but there is 2 one name hector and one named levince and there very tall but normal
    looking im also in a mansion with long hallways dress in a gown but one (hector) always bites me and that puts me to sleep i wake up in the middle of the night always around 4am but i go back to sleep and wake up in the morning so relax .Im 32 and i don't believe vampires exist but my dreams started 1 to 2 per week know its every other day and it made me wonder why am i dreaming about vampires .

  29. well its weard to me and i would not like to dream of things that i trully believe they dont exist. i thought maybey it was in my mind do to the fact i keep thinking about the dream all day that was the comments i expected

  30. If you are obsessed with something, you will, no doubt, dream about it from time to time. This does not make it any less a reality., just less likely. If we take basic quantum theory for instance, the we come to a conclusion that just about anything is possible. If there is such a thing as parallel universes, then maybe our dreams can be a way of channelling forces to and from said parallel existances. it is well known in science circles that our subconcious worries and fears can "manifest" in the form of dreams. We can experience things that seem very real. I'm not trying to debunk you, just to put forward a logical explanation, of sorts lol. But I have experienced things that I cannot explain myself, so in no measure, am I doubting what you have experienced, so please don't feel angry with my comment...............thanks, Borloff

  31. All dreams have a meaning. It may mot be obvious but it's there. We just have to compare the dreams to what we know, experience, think, have heard, and have seen. In truth, I think that dreams are ways that our mind thinks about, analyzes, and interprets ourselves and others. They let us know about ourselves from the outside. I think that this is why often we have dreams as looking at ourselves instead of thrught our own eyes like in real life. Well, that's how they are in mine. They may even predict the future. Of course, there are probably others out there who have special abilities to predict the future through dreams or have a stunning ability to interpret dreams completely, given enough info.
    And when some people say they dream about something, they actually mean that they think often or hope for it. But they could really dream too. But that's just my opinion of my own dreams. And Leah, who were you reffering to when you said "i honestly cant believe you"? ^,.,^

  32. I agree with you Aquamarine..
    Every dream has a meaning but all depends on how much we follow our dreams.. Christiana has mentioned in her story that she is different that, butterflies & animals linger around her for some reason.. You know, even i have a wish that I wana see myself being called beautifull, successfull, powerfull, special but nothing as such has happend coz I am neither special, nor gorgeous & nobody comes near me coz i am very boring & lifeless.. I feel even i can write a story of my life but i am sure that the kind of comments that i would get from all of you would be like this, " Lux, u little boring gal, how do u exist on earth, why are you still surviving on earth?? Go & get a life.. Umm..
    I am sorry for talking about myself so much which wasn't required at all here on this blog.. Sorry for that.

    Umm.. I wish even i could be special someday..

    Christiana - You are very beautiful (i haven't seen you but i can say that) & special that even other creatures like being with you.. God Bless You.. Stay happy..

    Take care


  33. Hey Christina,
    Any more recent dreams? since the past month?
    have you confronted him yet?

  34. Hi Yolanda,

    just skimming through the forum, I noticed you mentioned long halls in your dream. Dreaming of halls symbolizes self exploration and a beginning of a new path. perhaps you are going through a transitional phase in your life, even though you may not realize this, this can also signify spiritual enlightment, and emotional growth.

    Also to dream that you have been bitten can mean a vulnerbility in your life, maybe some unresolved issues? or perhaps a need to shut out a person in your life who has been using you. This could also be a metaphor meaning you have bitten off more then you can chew.

    Your dream was the first to catch my on here, only because I haven't read all the posts as of yet. Hopefully it helps..

  35. Nevaeh, thats interesting how you know that. Did you get it from a book? If you did, I would like to know the title and where I can find it because I always get interested in that dream stuff. When I saw the title "Crazy Vampire Dreams", I was like "cool, interesting. I wanna read it." ^,.6^

  36. Lux, I think you're a nice person. (: I'd rather be friends with you than some "exciting" but extremely mean person. Besides, you're on a vampire website. nothing dull about that ha ha.

    Cheyenne, I've just been having more dreams about other things, just about the future. I've been getting better grades randomly, without studying, dunno if that means a thing. But about Mr. Vampire I haven't seen him lately. I feel he's around but whatever. I don't see why he won't just come out. :/ Buuttt that just might be because he's mad at me. I'm kinda dating someone >.> who I like. . . o.x

  37. Thanks Christina.....Yes, I like being part of vampire sites coz I love to be here.. I get to know a lot about many people over here.. I just wana understand everyone out here coz it helps me broaden my thinking ability... I do not like insulting or hurting anyone though people say that I believe in people blindly... I don't wana see others in tears coz of me.. Thats it.. You are nice too, we can be friends -)..

  38. Aquamarine,

    Sorry for the long wait on the reply. No, I didn't get it from a book. Some things a learned from a girl that used to work with me, she was into dreams and meanings, as well as a bunch of other things.

  39. omg... ok im seriously not joking around, i had a similar dream 2 nights ago. i was in a forest then me and a few other people which i dont recognize were in this mansion, it was a grey 'ancient' stone type of colour, i was kissing and romancing with a guy i have never seen before. this human had been trying to kill us, he stood on the ground below as me and my ''lover'' watched him from the highest floor, he had been trying to shoot us, i tried to reason with him (i cant remember about what), then his butler stood next to me holding out a plastic bag... when i looked into the bag it was the body of a deformed girl. i pulled out a revolver with silver bullets and began shooting him but missed everytime. the human granted me freedom, i spreaded my wings and before i could fly i told my lover "i will return for you", then i took off and hit something in the sky(like a ceiling), i fell to the forest floor and a girl found me, she made me invisible so that the human oppressor wouldnt find me... then i woke up.

    i know it sounds like stupid and you guys think im talking crap, but its the honest truth... lately my dog has been barking at what my sister claims to be "nothing", he barks and growls at the bushes- beyond the wall of my house is an open space with a catholic parish not too far away. the alarm in our car goes off for no reason in the early parts of the morning....i feel like im being watched, i have dreamed about male vampires before
    and i dont live in any vampire "hot spots".... but in my dream i had deep affecion for this lover, whoever he was.........

  40. i also have visions and dreams that predict the future. also have experienced paranormal sighting,etc from a young age... so i dont think ur crazy at all

  41. Hae Sam,

    This is the first time that I am conversing with you. I read abour posts which talks about your dreams. How often do you see such dreams?? Are you scared of something??
    Is the place where you have been haunted or something?? Do you believe in vampires??
    Have you ever seen any so far?? Have you experienced such things for the first time??
    I don't know if I would be wrong in saying this but I believe that the guy whom you love in the dream "exists" & will meet you someday (I am not sure but I feel so)..
    Yes, when you say something like this, it might sound stupid & unbelievable coz that is not something which humans experience 24/7 hence it would be difficult for you to make someone believe it.. As far as I am concerned, I do trust you so keep me updated on whatever happens.. Take care & stay well


  42. hi lux... these dreams are usually random, i had one last week and one dream two weeks before that.i am afraid of the dark- ever since an encounter with a demon when i was a little girl- i think this maybe the reason he wont show at night, i sleep with the light on. my old house was haunted. i strongly believe in vampires no matter what people say- my belief is strongly focused on traditional vampires like the 18th century etc, but i do believe in modern ones to. no i havent seen any vampires before but i can feel his presence, mostly outside my bedroom window or the bushes near my home, our car alarm used to go off in th early hours of the morning for no reason and my dog barks at the bushes. In the other dream i had he was standing at the foot of my bed in the dark watching me.... i know u think its like twilight but NO....I HATE TWILIGHT. I also believe that i will meet him someday, i sometimes speak to him (thin air) saying that i wish we could meet,etc. humans choose to believe what we can only see, doesnt mean vampires dont exist. i will do my best to keep u updated, please feel free to ask me anything

    keep well

  43. i sometimes think he is the reason that i have no successful relationships, i have been psychic from a young age and have had horrifying experiences, i wonder if he has anything to do with it? sometimes when there is a full moon, a red or orange moon i feel weird (like sick and dizzy but alright 0_o) .lux.... have u had any experiences?

  44. Sam,

    Thanks for responding.
    No, I haven't had any ghosts, spirits or vampire experiences or dreams as well.. You saw a Demon??? What exactly happend when you were young?? Sometimes fate plays a very big role for whatever happens to us (good/ bad) so i believe that guy hasn't harmed you in anyways.. The reason why you don't succeed in any relationship is may be he is written in your fate.. Can I ask you something?? Were you attacked by a vampire or Demon anytime?? I have this doubt coz you mentioned that you feel weird when you see a full, red or orange moon?? One starts feeling unusual when they turn into a different creature.. If you alright then it's better.. I hope nothing as should happen to you.. Yes, end of the day humans want to see, think & feel what they like & I believe you are very romantic & fantasized by vampires.. Correct me if I am wrong..

    Stay well & keep in touch.


  45. yes i saw a demon, my sister and i were going to sleep. the light was turned off, i saw it at my bedside and quickly turned to her, she called out my name as she also saw it, she told me to look over to my side and i quickly responded as 'i know'. i always have visions, when i was little-only nightmares, horrific ones,i havent been attacked by a vamp before but demons have tried, one night i felt my soul being pulled from my body towards my bedroom window, i rebuked it and said IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and it let go, another time as i was asleep alone in the room i felt my blanket being pulled from me.i have had many experiences and it would take quite some time to type out. yes, i feel nauseus(pls correct my spelling error) when the moon is red or orange, and very sick. i am fine thank u 4 asking. you're not wrong though, who doesnt want to have a relationship with a vampire? but 4 now all we can do is live each day as it comes. i am a very staunch Christian.

    thank u for replying, take care lux.....please comment soon, i do enjoy your company... ^_^
    like talking to an old friend....
    do u have any experiences or dreams? anything? please let me know

    take care

  46. Hae Sam,

    Thanks for your response....
    As i mentioned earlier, i haven't had any such real experiences with vampires & ghosts but yes, i have had weird dreams... In my dreams, i see that the ghosts are always behind me & thier eyes are always fixed on me.. I wana run faster from them but i am unable to move, during this course, i do get paralysis attack when i am asleep.. i see things with my open eyes, i see it sitting next to me, i try to scream but my voice doesn't come out, i can't move, this is the reason why i keep the lights on when i am asleep.. My brother says i am crazy when i do that.. Ummm this was all about my dreams but you know what i do get dreams where in i live like a fairy life, just like alice in wonderland, i love fairy tales.. he he..

    As far as your unusual experiences are concerned, just believe in god & take his name when you are in troube.. I am not a christian but i do believe in jesus..

    I like coversing with you. I will reply instantly coz i like being here.. Woww you called me an old friend?? Thanks....... I enjoy your company too..

    Have a nice day ahead


  47. i used to dream of ghosts like that when i was little, but more dramatic, the reason why you cannot run or move is because when you see them you enter a state of shock. even though u are not aware of it. i do believe in God, i am a Christian but i have a strong interest in the Catholic faith. maybe you should go to a church and get a blessing from the priest so that you will be do these ghosts look? a possible description? their eye color? what are they doing in your dreams? do they just walk around?

    lets not stray from the topic ^_^
    i hate twilight, the author degrades vampires.i would like to know of any other experiences you have had, i do enjoy your company Lux and would like to have ur email so we could chat often but unfortunately the admin would have my head lol.

    take care


  48. it is easier to speak with someone who you dont know- but understands you rather than a person you are familiar with

  49. Hae Sam, I am very bad at spelling, i am always in a hurry to type, below is the one that i have corrected for you..


    Yes, there is a way out if you wana chat with me off the site.. Login to below link & you will find me & others as well who talk about paranormal stuff.. You will like it..
    Here is the link –

    I have been to church once with my boy friend.. I felt protected & peacefull. I would love to vist again..
    Umm i usually do not remember ghosts which i see in my dreams, the only thing which i can remember is their eyes, it’s completely white, i feel damn scared even when i talk about it. They are just after me & they star it me all the time, they try coming closer to me & then i also very well know that this is just a dream & i try opening my eyes for a second & when i close it again, i see them.. Even in my dreams if i am scared, i am concious that it’s just a dream but still something holds me back not to open my eyes.. Yes, i remember a paralysis attack when i was asleep, there was a man dressed in white with a long beard & he had put his head down, he was in a sitting position at the edge of my bed & tilting his head as if he was praying.. You won’t believe this but i saw it when my eyes were open, i somehow managed to switch on the lights & never slept the whole night.. Since then i never sleep with lights off.. It didn’t harm me but it’s presence made me feel horrified...

    You know what, admin has warned me many a times as i have the habbit of “chit chat” even on such blogs where in we can’t just say “hi or hello”. So for people like us there is a separate forum (above link), you can login & we can anytime share our common interests.. I like your company Sam..

    Have a nice day


  50. Lux
    last night i had another dream. this lady was standing behind me, but i didnt see her, someone in the dream told me that she was there (i cant remember who it was that told me). she had a long white dress, and long curly hair, i think her face was pale, i remember there being blood on her dress... *_*.

    i will be sure to sign up. whats ur username?

  51. Hae Sam,

    My username is Lux @lux12....

    I haven't seen any dream off late but i feel scared often like as if i am watched by someone in my room.. Ummm..

    That's all for now.

    Please take care


  52. i have dreams that predict the future as well. Once i had a dream i was in an old hospital and there were Zombies all around me trying to break in and then the scene changed to a normal hospital and my aunt was sitting in a chair but she seemed to be fading... she began to look more and more like my mother(who is deceased) and i woke up when she looked just like her.. later that day Resident evil came on scifi which is about zombies, and i got a call from my cousin saying her mom had to have major surgery and almost died... soo...maybe my mom was giving me a heads up..

  53. recently though all my dreams seem to be about wolves... werewolves, normal wolves, wolves that are hunting, me being a wolf... its strange. Ive always felt a connection to that certain creature, but not THIS deep. Its always in my head...Their eyes, their howls... I dont really understand whats going on...

  54. Hi Raziel,

    There could be many reasons to get such dreams frequently. One reason could be that you might be thinking a lot about such paranormal things or you need to change the sleeping positions a bit.. I suggest you to think about those things which makes you feel happy & entertained, this will help you in having good dreams. At times meditation helps a lot, as it is a connection of body, mind & soul, this will help you have relaxed senses, you can then imagine what you want to see... Before you go to bed, do clear up everything that you have in your mind, take a deep breath & have a good sleep. Oh yea, music or books before sleep would help...

    Take care


  55. Raziel,

    have u ever thought that wolves are connected to your past life? wolves usually resemble something, some interpretations are inaccurate but u should however look up the meaning of wolves in your dream.... since ur dreams predict the future....they could be connected to it,

    Keep Well

  56. Lux,

    I have been thinking about "him" alot recently... he just pops into my mind randomly but very often, i do miss him much which seems crazy since we havent met yet, i feel his presence

    Take care

  57. lux AND sam
    i suppose changing my sleeping habits could work... ill try that tonight and check in with you when i can, i dont have my own computer you see so its kinda difficult to write back. Ive always been pulled by wolves... this actually has happened before, along time ago. I used to have dreams about being a wolf when i was young but after i hit puberty i stopped remembering my dreams... then my mother died and it was like a door to another world opened up to me... even my mentration cycle is controlled by the moon. Everytime my period comes around its the full moon that night... i know i know... kinda personal but i wouldnt have said anything unless i thought it was important...

  58. Hi Raziel,

    Yeah, please do try the sleeping stuff & let me know...Have you tried showing the doctor about the period cycle?? Why are you so bothered about wolfs?? Have you had any experiences with them anytime??

    Take care


  59. Hae Sam,

    How have you been ??? What makes you think about him so much?? Do you love him or something??

    Take care


  60. Lux

    i had another dream last night, i dreamt i was laying down on a bed in this sort of ancient library,lol, i know it sounds weird, and this vampire was raping me. and when he was done, he sat over me, bit his bottom lip, and licked the blood lustfully....

    the night before i dont know what happened to me, i got up, went to the bathroom but i cant remember using the toilet o anything, i just remember walking out of the bathroom and putting the bathroom light off.i cant recall much. only that i went back into my room, i was afraid of something. and each time i closed my eyes i felt an evil presence and kept closing my eyes and praying that God takes "it" away. i cant remember what it is. i sat on my bed an read my bible, but as i read the bible i fell of to sleep while i was still siting there.i couldnt keep my eyes open o stay awake. i then wrapped my rosary around the palm of my hand n then when i tried to fall asleep, each time i closed my eyes "it" would come to me and i would say God please take "it" away. i eventually clutched my rosary and fell of to sleep. recently, it has been a full moon twice,

    i have been ok and yourself? i dont know but he is always on my mind, its funny coz we havent even met before, i am sometimes afraid of what he might be like. yes i do feel like im in love with him at times.

    take care

  61. Sam,

    That was hillarious dream!!!! Your post shook me off..... I hope you are fine now...I wonder that you still get to see wuch dreams even when you read bible so much.. What could be the possible solutions to avoid bad dreams?? I just know that one can get a bad dream only when they are abused, diseased, stressed, medications, food, family problems, death of loved ones, watching scary movies.. Do you have any of these sought?? Get a good routine going where you go to bed around the same time at night and get up around the same time. If you have poor sleeping habits it interferes with your sleep patterns and this can cause bad dreams. Cncerntrate on these stress levels & work on it, may be then you can have a good sleep..

    Let me know.. Oh yea I am okei..

    Take care

  62. lol, my friend also laughed when i told him. I must admit though, it is weird because i dont have trouble sleeping or anything, like i said, im used to this kinda "stuff".i will inform you the next time i get a dream.

    keep well


  63. Hello Sam,

    Looks like you very well know that you will get such dreams by default in future (ha ha)...
    Have you met this guy anytime or do you get to see a glimpse of him in some of the people around you??? I asked this question coz your dreams leave a high & strong impact on you & I have read most of your posts wherein you have mentioned about him many a times.

    Have a good day


  64. i dont see him or his features in anyone and i dont think i will anytime soon coz im going out wid a guy.^_^
    the dreams do have a huge impact, usually coz he is always on my mind

    take care

  65. it dosent make much sence but i do believe you, just watch out.

  66. the dreams still continue, last night i had another, im not afraid, but il heed your warning since you are one

  67. Hae Sam,

    How have been so far??? You saw a dream again?? What is it all about?? Do you still see him??


  68. Iv'e been good n u Lux, long time hey?

    yes i did, but it was like in the 18th century times.the other night i felt his presence and he was near my window, i was to afraid to look, i am afraid, he comes all the time , but i cant go near, its just do i overcome it, when he knocks on my window, my whole body freezes, i clutch my rosary, im just scared

  69. Sam,

    Good to get your reply...

    I am fine & doing good.... What does that guy want from you? Does he want to convey something to you?? If you see him everyday & he leaves without harming you, then I believe he is a good spirit.. Try & focus on him when you are alone & ask him what does he want from you.. Do you believe in god however??

    Stay in touch..

  70. Im not sure, nut its frightening, i never expected it to be that scary, well i do believe in God. Im not sure if it is a spirit though, maybe im just afraid coz of my past experiences with the paranormal


  71. Recently, my dreams are becomming more related to my life. It's wierd. I learned that I had feelings for a guy in my class because of a dream and I had a dream about some of my class mates. OMG OMG OMG total internal gasp just now. looking back on my older posts, I remember a dream I had about the Kevin person and the cookie. It's three of my posts ago. In teh dream, he said he didn't like chocolate chip cookies, then in real life. but just recently, I gave this guy a chocolate rose for valentines day. he ate it and spit it out. i later found out that he was alergic to dark chocolate. its like my dream was indirectly predicting the distant future. its really creepy. its not very likely because teh only thying the events had in common was teh part about not wanting chocolate but what if.. you know? its just a coincidence, right? (rhetorical question) ^,.,^

  72. This just a fantasy, if vampirers are real then there would probably have a rule that you cant let anyone know that you are a vampire.



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