I am Maria and I have fallen in love with a boy, called Michael, but somehow there are some things I have discovered which are really scaring me.
For some background information:
I know from his mother that he was a very happy child with a really sunny smile. But at the age of four years it changed. He hardly ever smiled and he began to live in some sort of fantasy world. He also didn't want to see any children from his class in school. At the age of 5, that phase ended, but from there he was a bit different to others.
Years passed and he was living a good life and also went to a good private school (which was not that expensive). But he fall ill there, I think he was 15 back then. That's when I met him. It was really hard for me to see his pain and suffering. The illness was terrible, and there wasn't anyone who could help him. Anytime he had hope to recover it got worse than it was before. Now he is 18 and the illness almost disappeared in a few days, after 4 years of pain.
At first I was happy, but he is not like he was. I know that this sounds like a bad vampire film, but he is really handsome now (even more than he was) and he has beautiful eyes. This was the first thing I noticed. They aren't golden, red or such... they are blue in a way I have never seen. Also his right one is a bit different to his left one and the color is changing sometimes (it remains blue but different to an hour earlier). If I would have to describe his eyes I would say that the are like this:
At the outer side they are black (very small ring around the iris cant be seen unless you take a close look). The iris is blue (not only the color is different to other people I know, the iris itself seems to be strange). And then at the end of the iris, there is something white. It looks like a flower or some sort of star, and also you have to get close to see it clearly (but it can be seen on distance just not as intense).
Ok... these are the "cool" but not scary things. Something really strange is that he doesn't feel pain anymore (he even seems to be immune to physical harm). I am not just silly like some people said. He was sitting beside a soccer game of some boys he knows, and a really strong one kicked his hand by a mistake. He kicked with full power, but Michael didn't even watch at it. He just said, "Uh lucky that you cant hurt me."
I have seen some articles about some hypnosis or mind reading powers here but is it possible to have these things and much more?
There is so much to say and ask left (because this is far not all) but I will write that at another day. Anyway thanks for reading cause to other people it must sound a bit strange.
Sent in by Maria Mair, Copyright 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Discovering Powers and Controlling Them
I remember those days! It happens by trial and error in my experience and those I have chatted with. My best advice is if you are beginning a new path, with new gifts and new ways then you should learn to meditate, cleanse and empower yourself. If you receive psychic cognitive forms you will experience migraines and aura colors at random when you first acknowledge that perhaps something is different.
I have been called everything in the world to many different people. Today because of this sight I have a better category of grouping that I might call myself. I even studied Wicca, Druidism (even though I’m not male), Pagan, Christianity, Mormon, Buddhism, Hinduism, Nabarnatale, Kabala, and new age in search of where and what I might be.
Even though I do not suck physical life force I do require energy other than my own. It was learning to not pass by and take that was my biggest challenge. So for me this name “Vampire” is more comforting - and maybe the closest name I might ever find to classify my attributes and abilities. And it is what it is if you are what you are.
What I’m trying to say (and I do realize this is very long), is that be and feel blessed that you are what you are and maybe on the right trail to what you might be. Because I have searched high and low since I was a young child. I learned my gifts by awkward experiences and hurtful lessons. I had to harness and create a faith in my own abilities(that someone or something gave these things to me). I was born this way and I scared my parents on a regular basis because of my gifts. I was never the normal baby or child. Starting at birth. (Who is born with a spiritual sword over their body and three cloaked spirits) I would still love to know who they are. I have never had contact with all three of them. I believe I have one on a regular basis.
It was so traumatic for my mother she swore the house haunted and moved. They built a house in Kentucky and a week before it burned down I packed a toy bag and told my teddy bear to climb out the window when the house blew up. My mother wouldn’t let me take my bag the day I wanted to. As we left the house red waves dripped out of the ceiling and fell down the walls like a mix of blood and dust. My mother was pregnant and very full term. We held hands walking away from the house. We returned watching a mushroom of black smoke over the mountain. The closer we came… the reality was growing. My fathers work at hand had erupted and feathered over the mountain in a canopy of decay.
While staying at my grandmas house after the fire - a train would come directly behind her house. I would place my ears to the floor daily, hands on palms touching the floor elbows up. I’d stay this way forever. And then laugh as the train passed. I suppose in my mothers depression, while sitting in a chair in the living room she noticed. I could detect the vibration of the train way before the noise ever came to their level of hearing or their feeling. This gift has become very intense as it is the first of many I had ran across very early in life.
I have settled today with many gifts and a very interesting story for the right listener. My children have their own gifts. But who did I get this from? It was once told to me. Lie? I do not know. That my mother had an Italian boyfriend before she and my father developed relations. The timing is all off in the dating story. Perhaps this mysterious man is my father? It has been questioned by the scarce few that witnessed the drama!
Nonetheless - we are what we are and there isn’t a manual on how to manage your gifts and what you might be given these signs. I wish there was! Its just knowing thyself and loving thyself enough to care to learn about what you can do and what your purpose is. Isn’t that what we all search for anyways in this life? Isn’t this desire what locks us in anyways? We are what we were destine to be. And we all are given these gifts, powers, abilities (whatever you wanna call it) because it is time to evolve and be more than mundane.
So whomever you are, whatever your wondering what you are… Know that you can feel the call inside your soul and if you listen it will bring you home. Blessed be my friends!
Sent in by des, Copyright 2010
I have been called everything in the world to many different people. Today because of this sight I have a better category of grouping that I might call myself. I even studied Wicca, Druidism (even though I’m not male), Pagan, Christianity, Mormon, Buddhism, Hinduism, Nabarnatale, Kabala, and new age in search of where and what I might be.
Even though I do not suck physical life force I do require energy other than my own. It was learning to not pass by and take that was my biggest challenge. So for me this name “Vampire” is more comforting - and maybe the closest name I might ever find to classify my attributes and abilities. And it is what it is if you are what you are.
What I’m trying to say (and I do realize this is very long), is that be and feel blessed that you are what you are and maybe on the right trail to what you might be. Because I have searched high and low since I was a young child. I learned my gifts by awkward experiences and hurtful lessons. I had to harness and create a faith in my own abilities(that someone or something gave these things to me). I was born this way and I scared my parents on a regular basis because of my gifts. I was never the normal baby or child. Starting at birth. (Who is born with a spiritual sword over their body and three cloaked spirits) I would still love to know who they are. I have never had contact with all three of them. I believe I have one on a regular basis.
It was so traumatic for my mother she swore the house haunted and moved. They built a house in Kentucky and a week before it burned down I packed a toy bag and told my teddy bear to climb out the window when the house blew up. My mother wouldn’t let me take my bag the day I wanted to. As we left the house red waves dripped out of the ceiling and fell down the walls like a mix of blood and dust. My mother was pregnant and very full term. We held hands walking away from the house. We returned watching a mushroom of black smoke over the mountain. The closer we came… the reality was growing. My fathers work at hand had erupted and feathered over the mountain in a canopy of decay.
While staying at my grandmas house after the fire - a train would come directly behind her house. I would place my ears to the floor daily, hands on palms touching the floor elbows up. I’d stay this way forever. And then laugh as the train passed. I suppose in my mothers depression, while sitting in a chair in the living room she noticed. I could detect the vibration of the train way before the noise ever came to their level of hearing or their feeling. This gift has become very intense as it is the first of many I had ran across very early in life.
I have settled today with many gifts and a very interesting story for the right listener. My children have their own gifts. But who did I get this from? It was once told to me. Lie? I do not know. That my mother had an Italian boyfriend before she and my father developed relations. The timing is all off in the dating story. Perhaps this mysterious man is my father? It has been questioned by the scarce few that witnessed the drama!
Nonetheless - we are what we are and there isn’t a manual on how to manage your gifts and what you might be given these signs. I wish there was! Its just knowing thyself and loving thyself enough to care to learn about what you can do and what your purpose is. Isn’t that what we all search for anyways in this life? Isn’t this desire what locks us in anyways? We are what we were destine to be. And we all are given these gifts, powers, abilities (whatever you wanna call it) because it is time to evolve and be more than mundane.
So whomever you are, whatever your wondering what you are… Know that you can feel the call inside your soul and if you listen it will bring you home. Blessed be my friends!
Sent in by des, Copyright 2010
Burned as a Witch in Cedar Falls
The story starts in the year 1985, in the town called Cedar Falls, which is a destination not even located on the map. The people of this town have always been lost in time. Everything is totally out dated from the 20's or the 30's. The setting is in the woods on a dark and windy evening.
Suddenly out of the woods, running for her dear life, comes Mrs. Kramer. She is an accused witch, who the towns people believe has committed "supernatural crimes," sexually she would plant her evil into the souls of any man she desired. This broke up many homes and lots of marriages. It is also said she has caused women who were pregnant to miscarry, and some of the children have disappeared. She runs desperately through the woods bare footed, in bra and panties with the mob close behind.
She finally reaches her home. She races in and begins stacking things in front of the door. She locks her windows and runs into her bedroom, grabbing a book from the shelf above her bed. Before she can open it the angry mob barges in, quickly grabbing her. The sheriff comes in last, smiling an evil smile. He orders them to tie her to a chair, soaked with gasoline and lit on fire.
As she burns, the townspeople cheer and sing songs. There are children present, and they also engaged in the murderous affair. The sheriff silenced the cheer and told his people it is the town secret, never speak of the witch or her spirit can be awakened, the town would be doomed.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town Sidney and Barry, a newlywed couple, are driving on highway 40 destined for California. They decided to have their honeymoon in L.A.It was Barry's idea to drive down the back roads, instead of the plane, that was Sidney's idea which would have been smarter. A fast food joint is coming up at the next turn off, the exit says CEDAR FALLS POPULATION 300. They exit there and pull into the fast food joint. As they enter the joint, everyone in there stares at them. Barry asks the waitress for directions to the nearest hotel. She tells him a bed and breakfast is down the way. The couple decide to eat there instead of eating uncomfortably.
Before they could leave everything grows dark, the people in the diner are wreaking of fear. Barry and his wife don't have a clue. All of a sudden the place burst in flames and people are catching on fire. The sheriff suddenly enters trying to save everyone. Barry and Sidney race to the door, it seems to have locked when the sheriff entered. The sheriff and some others tried breaking the windows but were unsuccessful. Poor Barry and Sidney were trapped along with the others, and everyone burned that night. At least 50 people, including Barry and Sidney the two innocent bystanders, gone.
That night at about the same time many of the town peoples homes caught on fire strangely. Many of them weren't at home but those that were perished like the rest of the town.
Sent in by Lisa Augusta, Copyright 2010
Suddenly out of the woods, running for her dear life, comes Mrs. Kramer. She is an accused witch, who the towns people believe has committed "supernatural crimes," sexually she would plant her evil into the souls of any man she desired. This broke up many homes and lots of marriages. It is also said she has caused women who were pregnant to miscarry, and some of the children have disappeared. She runs desperately through the woods bare footed, in bra and panties with the mob close behind.
She finally reaches her home. She races in and begins stacking things in front of the door. She locks her windows and runs into her bedroom, grabbing a book from the shelf above her bed. Before she can open it the angry mob barges in, quickly grabbing her. The sheriff comes in last, smiling an evil smile. He orders them to tie her to a chair, soaked with gasoline and lit on fire.
As she burns, the townspeople cheer and sing songs. There are children present, and they also engaged in the murderous affair. The sheriff silenced the cheer and told his people it is the town secret, never speak of the witch or her spirit can be awakened, the town would be doomed.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town Sidney and Barry, a newlywed couple, are driving on highway 40 destined for California. They decided to have their honeymoon in L.A.It was Barry's idea to drive down the back roads, instead of the plane, that was Sidney's idea which would have been smarter. A fast food joint is coming up at the next turn off, the exit says CEDAR FALLS POPULATION 300. They exit there and pull into the fast food joint. As they enter the joint, everyone in there stares at them. Barry asks the waitress for directions to the nearest hotel. She tells him a bed and breakfast is down the way. The couple decide to eat there instead of eating uncomfortably.
Before they could leave everything grows dark, the people in the diner are wreaking of fear. Barry and his wife don't have a clue. All of a sudden the place burst in flames and people are catching on fire. The sheriff suddenly enters trying to save everyone. Barry and Sidney race to the door, it seems to have locked when the sheriff entered. The sheriff and some others tried breaking the windows but were unsuccessful. Poor Barry and Sidney were trapped along with the others, and everyone burned that night. At least 50 people, including Barry and Sidney the two innocent bystanders, gone.
That night at about the same time many of the town peoples homes caught on fire strangely. Many of them weren't at home but those that were perished like the rest of the town.
Sent in by Lisa Augusta, Copyright 2010
As One With the Vampire
he came on to me in the dead of night,
Like a ghost, she came out of nowhere,
I was mesmerized by her hypnotic eyes,
While my mind was saying, "don't go there".
But I couldn't break the erotic spell,
She cast in my direction,
I looked all around, but couldn't find help,
It was left to my own discretion,
To make my choice and take my chance,
And give into my desires,
And join in her erotic dance,
And become as one with the vampire.
And we danced until my heart was content,
Beneath the stars we danced through the night,
The erotic dance of a lover's lament,
So haunting and spiritual, it set my soul alight.
Her beauty cast it's shadow upon me,
As it softly and gently touched my skin,
And filled me with a longing to concede,
My body and my soul to the wind.
The wind on which she traveled with ease,
Would take her to where her heart desired,
And tonight her heart desired me,
And I became as one with the vampire.
Locked in her wondrous spell of seduction,
I dared not run, I could not flee,
I watched the disappearance of my own reflection,
As she drank my blood and fed off me,
My horror soon gave way to the realization,
Of the immortality bestowed on me,
And the wondrously erotic sensation,
Known only to the vampire's creed.
I owe it all to this huntress of the night,
This lady known only as Carmilla,
The one who granted me eternal life,
And made me as one with the vampire.
Sent in by Borloff, Copyright 2010
Like a ghost, she came out of nowhere,
I was mesmerized by her hypnotic eyes,
While my mind was saying, "don't go there".
But I couldn't break the erotic spell,
She cast in my direction,
I looked all around, but couldn't find help,
It was left to my own discretion,
To make my choice and take my chance,
And give into my desires,
And join in her erotic dance,
And become as one with the vampire.
And we danced until my heart was content,
Beneath the stars we danced through the night,
The erotic dance of a lover's lament,
So haunting and spiritual, it set my soul alight.
Her beauty cast it's shadow upon me,
As it softly and gently touched my skin,
And filled me with a longing to concede,
My body and my soul to the wind.
The wind on which she traveled with ease,
Would take her to where her heart desired,
And tonight her heart desired me,
And I became as one with the vampire.
Locked in her wondrous spell of seduction,
I dared not run, I could not flee,
I watched the disappearance of my own reflection,
As she drank my blood and fed off me,
My horror soon gave way to the realization,
Of the immortality bestowed on me,
And the wondrously erotic sensation,
Known only to the vampire's creed.
I owe it all to this huntress of the night,
This lady known only as Carmilla,
The one who granted me eternal life,
And made me as one with the vampire.
Sent in by Borloff, Copyright 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Henry the Ouija Spirit
My story started the summer after my freshman year in high school. I am currently a junior and I'm 17. I had used the Ouija board several months before and although it frightened me, I just had to use it again.
My interest started when I first used it and the board spelled the last name of my ex. I was the only one of my two cousins who knew how to correctly spell it. That summer, my cousin and I, Jess, hung out a lot by the little creek in her woods. She had the interest in the board because she had been one of the cousins I had first used the board with.
We decided to make our own Ouija board out of notebook paper, using her ring as the pointer. We took the paper to the creek and began using it. We spoke to a little boy who called himself Benjamin, claiming he had drowned in the creek when he was young. He wanted to move on to be with his mother but he didn't know how. Jess agreed with me to help this boy. We said a few prayers and kept out fingers on the ring until it said good-bye.
With our fingers still on the board, we felt as if there was another spirit there. The pointer began moving around the board and we started to become scared. A few seconds later we heard a twig snap close by us, only we were alone. Terrified we folded to paper up and ran to her four-wheeler that we had rode to the creek. On the trip back, we kept seeing a shadow darting around in the trees. we decided when we got back to the house that it was enough for now.
Later after dinner, we went and sat on her trampoline and pulled out our homemade Ouija board. We asked about spirits and got a young girl named Connie. She told us she had once lived in the house but got lost in the woods while looking for her brother, Benjamin. We told her we had talked to him and we helped him move on. We asked her a couple questions about what she looked like. I asked her hair color and the type. "R-E-D" and "C-U-R-L-Y" were my answers. Freaked, I asked if her nickname had been Curly. "Y-E-S" Now I was practically bouncing because when Jess had been young, she had an "imaginary" friend named curly, who had red, curly hair. She told us that yes, it had been her. Then she started saying help me. There was another spirit trying to pull her away and keep her as his. We did the same for here that we had done earlier for her brother.
When she was finally gone, the ring began to move. It was cussing me out for helping Curly. Me being a dumb 15 year-old, cussed this spirit back. After awhile, this spirit was laughing, obviously having a good time fighting with me. Curious, we asked his name. "H-E-N-R-Y" Talking to him more, we found out he was a spirit trapped in Satan's service. After some time, the pointer began to move slower than it had been. We asked why. "S-A-T-A-N-I-S-C-O-M-I-N-G" Now, deeply terrified we said good-bye and went inside.
The next day, we decided to play again. This time the first and only spirit that came to us was Henry. Henry told us that he was only 19 when he died and wanted us to search the internet to locate a possible article of his death. He then FORCED us to add these to our board: . , / ? ! ; This new board we specified was made FOR HENRY ONLY. When we couldn't find an article, we asked other questions about him. He told us he hated how Satan used him as a "slave" and asked us to set him free. He gave us bible versus to read and to pray for his release. While searching, my finger was still on the ring and it moved slightly. When Jess out her finger on the ring, it moved more "H-E-S-C-O-M-I-N-G" so we began to read. While doing this the pointer moved quickly over the exclamation mark over and over. We read some more and noticed something rather funny. The one word Henry spelled repeatedly. "G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O" We eventually succeeded.
We messed around more that day and discovered Henry was rather, I don't know how you'd say it. But he wanted me and my cousin to strip for him. Classic teenager. Even dead he was trying to get girls. He even wanted us to be his girlfriends. Once while I asked where he was sitting he said "B-E-S-I-D-E-Y-O-U" So I put my hand on the bed to the left, it was cold. And being stupid I asked "where is my hand at?" he replied "P-L-E-A-S-E-M-O-V-E-I-T-Y-O-U-R-T-E-A-S-I-N-G-M-E" So I wanted a picture. This I had never done before. Never seen a ghost in my life. But he told me to take a picture of the TV screen. When I snapped the picture on Jess's cell phone. All there was was me and her on the bed. When she looked back at it, there was a mist on the floor. There was a distinguished face, and an arm reaching toward my foot. We put the board away.
This is where it gets difficult for me to talk about. That night we played again and Henry began warning us that Satan was in the room. Sitting behind my cousin. Henry said that Satan was angry with us and was going to get even. We were told he was going after Nick( Jess's bf at the time) and Chris (my bf at the time). We were so terrified we asked Henry to go protect them. He said "I-W-I-L-L" and the ring slid to good-bye. As we were laying in bed to go to sleep, we both felt a tug on the blanket at our feet, with no one there.
To this day, I still have the homemade Ouija board with me. It stays in my wallet. I no longer want it but I don't know what will happen if I throw it away. I do, however, believe that Henry was a demon like Drew from Big chief's story Talking To A Friend From Hell because my story relates to his. If Henry was ever attracted to us could it be to the board? I don't believe he wants to hurt me but I don't like having my things disappear then reappear when I ask for it back. Nothing bad happens to me. I just want to be done with the board and the spirit/demon Jess and I befriended.
Sent in by Mysti, Copyright 2010 TrueGhostTales.com
My interest started when I first used it and the board spelled the last name of my ex. I was the only one of my two cousins who knew how to correctly spell it. That summer, my cousin and I, Jess, hung out a lot by the little creek in her woods. She had the interest in the board because she had been one of the cousins I had first used the board with.
We decided to make our own Ouija board out of notebook paper, using her ring as the pointer. We took the paper to the creek and began using it. We spoke to a little boy who called himself Benjamin, claiming he had drowned in the creek when he was young. He wanted to move on to be with his mother but he didn't know how. Jess agreed with me to help this boy. We said a few prayers and kept out fingers on the ring until it said good-bye.
With our fingers still on the board, we felt as if there was another spirit there. The pointer began moving around the board and we started to become scared. A few seconds later we heard a twig snap close by us, only we were alone. Terrified we folded to paper up and ran to her four-wheeler that we had rode to the creek. On the trip back, we kept seeing a shadow darting around in the trees. we decided when we got back to the house that it was enough for now.
Later after dinner, we went and sat on her trampoline and pulled out our homemade Ouija board. We asked about spirits and got a young girl named Connie. She told us she had once lived in the house but got lost in the woods while looking for her brother, Benjamin. We told her we had talked to him and we helped him move on. We asked her a couple questions about what she looked like. I asked her hair color and the type. "R-E-D" and "C-U-R-L-Y" were my answers. Freaked, I asked if her nickname had been Curly. "Y-E-S" Now I was practically bouncing because when Jess had been young, she had an "imaginary" friend named curly, who had red, curly hair. She told us that yes, it had been her. Then she started saying help me. There was another spirit trying to pull her away and keep her as his. We did the same for here that we had done earlier for her brother.
When she was finally gone, the ring began to move. It was cussing me out for helping Curly. Me being a dumb 15 year-old, cussed this spirit back. After awhile, this spirit was laughing, obviously having a good time fighting with me. Curious, we asked his name. "H-E-N-R-Y" Talking to him more, we found out he was a spirit trapped in Satan's service. After some time, the pointer began to move slower than it had been. We asked why. "S-A-T-A-N-I-S-C-O-M-I-N-G" Now, deeply terrified we said good-bye and went inside.
The next day, we decided to play again. This time the first and only spirit that came to us was Henry. Henry told us that he was only 19 when he died and wanted us to search the internet to locate a possible article of his death. He then FORCED us to add these to our board: . , / ? ! ; This new board we specified was made FOR HENRY ONLY. When we couldn't find an article, we asked other questions about him. He told us he hated how Satan used him as a "slave" and asked us to set him free. He gave us bible versus to read and to pray for his release. While searching, my finger was still on the ring and it moved slightly. When Jess out her finger on the ring, it moved more "H-E-S-C-O-M-I-N-G" so we began to read. While doing this the pointer moved quickly over the exclamation mark over and over. We read some more and noticed something rather funny. The one word Henry spelled repeatedly. "G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O" We eventually succeeded.
We messed around more that day and discovered Henry was rather, I don't know how you'd say it. But he wanted me and my cousin to strip for him. Classic teenager. Even dead he was trying to get girls. He even wanted us to be his girlfriends. Once while I asked where he was sitting he said "B-E-S-I-D-E-Y-O-U" So I put my hand on the bed to the left, it was cold. And being stupid I asked "where is my hand at?" he replied "P-L-E-A-S-E-M-O-V-E-I-T-Y-O-U-R-T-E-A-S-I-N-G-M-E" So I wanted a picture. This I had never done before. Never seen a ghost in my life. But he told me to take a picture of the TV screen. When I snapped the picture on Jess's cell phone. All there was was me and her on the bed. When she looked back at it, there was a mist on the floor. There was a distinguished face, and an arm reaching toward my foot. We put the board away.
This is where it gets difficult for me to talk about. That night we played again and Henry began warning us that Satan was in the room. Sitting behind my cousin. Henry said that Satan was angry with us and was going to get even. We were told he was going after Nick( Jess's bf at the time) and Chris (my bf at the time). We were so terrified we asked Henry to go protect them. He said "I-W-I-L-L" and the ring slid to good-bye. As we were laying in bed to go to sleep, we both felt a tug on the blanket at our feet, with no one there.
To this day, I still have the homemade Ouija board with me. It stays in my wallet. I no longer want it but I don't know what will happen if I throw it away. I do, however, believe that Henry was a demon like Drew from Big chief's story Talking To A Friend From Hell because my story relates to his. If Henry was ever attracted to us could it be to the board? I don't believe he wants to hurt me but I don't like having my things disappear then reappear when I ask for it back. Nothing bad happens to me. I just want to be done with the board and the spirit/demon Jess and I befriended.
Sent in by Mysti, Copyright 2010 TrueGhostTales.com
Vampires in Texas and Indiana
My parents introduced horror movies when I was about 9 or 10. The first vampire movie I ever saw was "Interview with the Vampire." After seeing that movie, I was instantly hooked to vampires. Not sure why, being that at the age I was.. it most certainly wasn't because of any sexual attraction to the thought of vampires. Mostly it sparked my interest as to if any such creature really existed. So I grew up.. wandering and researching. Vampires weren't so common to talk about back then. So I just kept it to myself.
My family moved to Texas in 1998. I got my first job at McDonalds. Customers came and went. Everyday the same routine. I worked drive thru. Same ole day until I had a man in a SUV pull up to my window. Immediately... it seemed that everything behind him... and everything around me... turned green. It was hazy... kinda like looking at a hot road and seeing the heat radiating off of it. As soon as I saw him... I thought "vampire". I didn't have to think about it, it just came to me. Extremely attractive, dark haired gentleman, who said nothing. Just took his drink and on his way.
Once he left my window the hazy look faded out and everything was normal. I'm still not sure to this day what happened to my surroundings as I am sure no one else saw the same background as I did. Let me described more in detail:
The fountain drink to my right looked blurry. There was a gas station that you could see from the drive thru window that was no longer visible. Everything in my eyesight capabilities was completed voided out and all I could see was this guy. So since seeing this website I've come to believe he must have been a physic vampire. Only conclusion I can come to.
On to the next believed sighting. We moved from Texas to Indiana. Indianapolis to be exact. I was in high school and I used to ride the Indigo bus home to Beech Grove after school. So, standing there waiting for the bus to come I saw a man in a hoodie, walking down the same side of the street I was on. He had his head down. I didn't think anything of it, until he got closer to me and looked at me. The first thing I noticed, were his eyes. They were red. I was so stunned that I found myself starring and scared. He looked at me and put his head back down; kept on walking. I immediately thought "vampire". I contemplated the idea that he was wearing contacts. But part of the eyes weren't red... the whole entire eyes... were red. It creeped me out for the longest time because I felt he was evil. That was in 2003.
Since then I've yet to encounter any other beings that instantly brought the "vampire" idea to my mind. After seeing these two individuals, I 100% believe that is a possibility of such beings existing. I still to this day hope to meet another one; and instead of fearing them actually being able to hold a conversation with one face to face and having that personal encounter.
I currently live near Bloomington, Indiana and have found out that such a place exists that holds conventions, if you will, that allows the actual vampires or people who "pose" to meet. I'm so tempted to go just to see if I can meet a vampire. That's my story. Comment if you would like. Thanks
Sent in by Jennifer, Copyright 2010
My family moved to Texas in 1998. I got my first job at McDonalds. Customers came and went. Everyday the same routine. I worked drive thru. Same ole day until I had a man in a SUV pull up to my window. Immediately... it seemed that everything behind him... and everything around me... turned green. It was hazy... kinda like looking at a hot road and seeing the heat radiating off of it. As soon as I saw him... I thought "vampire". I didn't have to think about it, it just came to me. Extremely attractive, dark haired gentleman, who said nothing. Just took his drink and on his way.
Once he left my window the hazy look faded out and everything was normal. I'm still not sure to this day what happened to my surroundings as I am sure no one else saw the same background as I did. Let me described more in detail:
The fountain drink to my right looked blurry. There was a gas station that you could see from the drive thru window that was no longer visible. Everything in my eyesight capabilities was completed voided out and all I could see was this guy. So since seeing this website I've come to believe he must have been a physic vampire. Only conclusion I can come to.
On to the next believed sighting. We moved from Texas to Indiana. Indianapolis to be exact. I was in high school and I used to ride the Indigo bus home to Beech Grove after school. So, standing there waiting for the bus to come I saw a man in a hoodie, walking down the same side of the street I was on. He had his head down. I didn't think anything of it, until he got closer to me and looked at me. The first thing I noticed, were his eyes. They were red. I was so stunned that I found myself starring and scared. He looked at me and put his head back down; kept on walking. I immediately thought "vampire". I contemplated the idea that he was wearing contacts. But part of the eyes weren't red... the whole entire eyes... were red. It creeped me out for the longest time because I felt he was evil. That was in 2003.
Since then I've yet to encounter any other beings that instantly brought the "vampire" idea to my mind. After seeing these two individuals, I 100% believe that is a possibility of such beings existing. I still to this day hope to meet another one; and instead of fearing them actually being able to hold a conversation with one face to face and having that personal encounter.
I currently live near Bloomington, Indiana and have found out that such a place exists that holds conventions, if you will, that allows the actual vampires or people who "pose" to meet. I'm so tempted to go just to see if I can meet a vampire. That's my story. Comment if you would like. Thanks
Sent in by Jennifer, Copyright 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Crazy Vampire Dreams
I swear I'm going crazy. I guess I'll start off like this. I've always been attracted to vampires. I've been fascinated with blood, and apparently, all blood-sucking creatures are just as fascinated with mine; it's a family thing, I suppose, all insects just love to taste our blood - especially mine.
I've been gifted with a few strange abilities, one is to be loved by mainly anything.. animals, humans... though an exception is snakes and things who have lost the ability to love. Animals seem to be more calm when they are around me, they just come up to me, wild animals too. I could take a walk, and butterflies will be constantly around me. I've been gifted with music. All of my musical teachers say I have much more talent than any student they'd ever had. Though, I'm too lazy to practice. I've learned to play the piano, guitar, violin, and now the cello. Two other ones are singing, and art. But one talent just scares me.
I think I'm crazy, but I know what's going to happen in the future, and I can tell what has happened in the past. I have dreams that keep coming true. Scary ones, that are frightfully accurate. I do not want to go into details, unless needed. My dreams are always very realistic, I can remember once, when I was in 5th grade, I had a dream of being stabbed, and when I woke up, it truly felt like I had gotten stabbed. Of course, only as of recent my dreams have been coming true.
People think that I'm gorgeous. I get told that a lot, but I don't give that much notice, since every girl gets told that. They say I have really pretty (some think they are scary) big dark brown eyes - which some call black. I do like my pretty, long, wavy, dark brown hair, though. My skin is always very very cold, I don't know why. I went to the doctor because I thought maybe I was anemic, or maybe thyroid issues, but that is not the case. I'm perfectly healthy. My eyes are very light sensitive, as well, my eye doctor said that I have some of the most light sensitive eyes he has seen. I should add that I have bad eyesight, so as not to lead you on. I will not claim to be a vampire, since well, both of my parents are human, which means I'm human too.
But despise all that, I wouldn't say I'm an above-average-amazing girl. I'm horrible at sports and math, To top it all off, I'm short. So I have no clue why these dreams keep coming to me. They are so real. It is of this tall, handsome vampire, coming for me, wanting to marry me. Some people would be flattered, but I know better than to be. I guess I will get asked many times of his appearance. Lets start off with body structure. He was very big... a giant (no, not in the obese way) I have no idea how tall he was... just about seven feet... buff, very buff. He has long, dark silk-like hair that came down to the middle of his back, with black stern eyes, long fingers and nails... I think he might've had fangs I'm not sure, but he had shiny pearl teeth with small flushed pink lips. He's always wearing a suit, who knows why. Probably what he explained to me in the dream of what he was in the "vampire world"? I guess?
I will talk about my first dream, which I can not make sense of. Some might say it was of the past, but I do not believe in past lives, or anything of that sort. It was of mansion, filled with vampires in hiding, since we were all sought after by people who hated us. The mansion was owned by a young, vampire aristocrat-ish person. He took in all the sane vampires he could fine and me and my vampire lover (which looks oddly like the vampire I had in my recent dreams - except younger) and put us into the middle of his mansion, which was a forest, in a sort of dome-like place. We all had powers some were more like magicians, making the trees float, and sometimes killing each other. We remained in the dome for years, until the people stopped hunting for vampires, and years later, the magnificent mansion was torn down. I remember at the end of the dream, I was around 23 to 24, and my lover said that he would come back for me. I remember growing old waiting for him, and later died at 65.
My most recent dream was two days ago. It was of me sleeping in my mom's bed, and a murderer had snuck into my house. I remember not being afraid, though the person, who was a light-skinned 25-year old with a mustache, came closer and closer to the bed with a knife. I remember the window was opened, but my vampire came through the wall instead, with a mad expression on his face, he was bigger than anyone could imagine, as big as goliath from the Bible, I would suppose. What he did was gruesome. You can imagine what had happened to this man. I remembered the vampire looking at me with a smile afterwards, bloody smile, saying, "I will come back for you"... If he means what he says, he better do it this time, and not let me die first. But of course, in my dream, I kinda wondered what he was... of course he was a vampire, but not a regular one, you could tell easily by looking at him. He was some important vampire. I remember him describing the vampire world as having leaders, such as us humans have. He was not the president, but more of a Speaker of the House I think that's what he said... He said every year was a day to a vampire. He said we would be married in 20 years... but I remember telling him that I didn't want to look like I was 35 for the rest of my life, so he told me if I wanted I could look younger. I woke up after that. But I can sense him all around me. I don't think I should believe in these things, but I do.
So this is why I came to this website, I do not know if this will do me any good at all, but I just need to know if this makes sense to anyone but me.
Sent in by Christina
I've been gifted with a few strange abilities, one is to be loved by mainly anything.. animals, humans... though an exception is snakes and things who have lost the ability to love. Animals seem to be more calm when they are around me, they just come up to me, wild animals too. I could take a walk, and butterflies will be constantly around me. I've been gifted with music. All of my musical teachers say I have much more talent than any student they'd ever had. Though, I'm too lazy to practice. I've learned to play the piano, guitar, violin, and now the cello. Two other ones are singing, and art. But one talent just scares me.
I think I'm crazy, but I know what's going to happen in the future, and I can tell what has happened in the past. I have dreams that keep coming true. Scary ones, that are frightfully accurate. I do not want to go into details, unless needed. My dreams are always very realistic, I can remember once, when I was in 5th grade, I had a dream of being stabbed, and when I woke up, it truly felt like I had gotten stabbed. Of course, only as of recent my dreams have been coming true.
People think that I'm gorgeous. I get told that a lot, but I don't give that much notice, since every girl gets told that. They say I have really pretty (some think they are scary) big dark brown eyes - which some call black. I do like my pretty, long, wavy, dark brown hair, though. My skin is always very very cold, I don't know why. I went to the doctor because I thought maybe I was anemic, or maybe thyroid issues, but that is not the case. I'm perfectly healthy. My eyes are very light sensitive, as well, my eye doctor said that I have some of the most light sensitive eyes he has seen. I should add that I have bad eyesight, so as not to lead you on. I will not claim to be a vampire, since well, both of my parents are human, which means I'm human too.
But despise all that, I wouldn't say I'm an above-average-amazing girl. I'm horrible at sports and math, To top it all off, I'm short. So I have no clue why these dreams keep coming to me. They are so real. It is of this tall, handsome vampire, coming for me, wanting to marry me. Some people would be flattered, but I know better than to be. I guess I will get asked many times of his appearance. Lets start off with body structure. He was very big... a giant (no, not in the obese way) I have no idea how tall he was... just about seven feet... buff, very buff. He has long, dark silk-like hair that came down to the middle of his back, with black stern eyes, long fingers and nails... I think he might've had fangs I'm not sure, but he had shiny pearl teeth with small flushed pink lips. He's always wearing a suit, who knows why. Probably what he explained to me in the dream of what he was in the "vampire world"? I guess?
I will talk about my first dream, which I can not make sense of. Some might say it was of the past, but I do not believe in past lives, or anything of that sort. It was of mansion, filled with vampires in hiding, since we were all sought after by people who hated us. The mansion was owned by a young, vampire aristocrat-ish person. He took in all the sane vampires he could fine and me and my vampire lover (which looks oddly like the vampire I had in my recent dreams - except younger) and put us into the middle of his mansion, which was a forest, in a sort of dome-like place. We all had powers some were more like magicians, making the trees float, and sometimes killing each other. We remained in the dome for years, until the people stopped hunting for vampires, and years later, the magnificent mansion was torn down. I remember at the end of the dream, I was around 23 to 24, and my lover said that he would come back for me. I remember growing old waiting for him, and later died at 65.
My most recent dream was two days ago. It was of me sleeping in my mom's bed, and a murderer had snuck into my house. I remember not being afraid, though the person, who was a light-skinned 25-year old with a mustache, came closer and closer to the bed with a knife. I remember the window was opened, but my vampire came through the wall instead, with a mad expression on his face, he was bigger than anyone could imagine, as big as goliath from the Bible, I would suppose. What he did was gruesome. You can imagine what had happened to this man. I remembered the vampire looking at me with a smile afterwards, bloody smile, saying, "I will come back for you"... If he means what he says, he better do it this time, and not let me die first. But of course, in my dream, I kinda wondered what he was... of course he was a vampire, but not a regular one, you could tell easily by looking at him. He was some important vampire. I remember him describing the vampire world as having leaders, such as us humans have. He was not the president, but more of a Speaker of the House I think that's what he said... He said every year was a day to a vampire. He said we would be married in 20 years... but I remember telling him that I didn't want to look like I was 35 for the rest of my life, so he told me if I wanted I could look younger. I woke up after that. But I can sense him all around me. I don't think I should believe in these things, but I do.
So this is why I came to this website, I do not know if this will do me any good at all, but I just need to know if this makes sense to anyone but me.
Sent in by Christina
Crazy Vampire Dreams
I swear I'm going crazy. I guess I'll start off like this. I've always been attracted to vampires. I've been fascinated with blood, and apparently, all blood-sucking creatures are just as fascinated with mine; it's a family thing, I suppose, all insects just love to taste our blood - especially mine.
I've been gifted with a few strange abilities, one is to be loved by mainly anything.. animals, humans... though an exception is snakes and things who have lost the ability to love. Animals seem to be more calm when they are around me, they just come up to me, wild animals too. I could take a walk, and butterflies will be constantly around me. I've been gifted with music. All of my musical teachers say I have much more talent than any student they'd ever had. Though, I'm too lazy to practice. I've learned to play the piano, guitar, violin, and now the cello. Two other ones are singing, and art. But one talent just scares me.
I think I'm crazy, but I know what's going to happen in the future, and I can tell what has happened in the past. I have dreams that keep coming true. Scary ones, that are frightfully accurate. I do not want to go into details, unless needed. My dreams are always very realistic, I can remember once, when I was in 5th grade, I had a dream of being stabbed, and when I woke up, it truly felt like I had gotten stabbed. Of course, only as of recent my dreams have been coming true.
People think that I'm gorgeous. I get told that a lot, but I don't give that much notice, since every girl gets told that. They say I have really pretty (some think they are scary) big dark brown eyes - which some call black. I do like my pretty, long, wavy, dark brown hair, though. My skin is always very very cold, I don't know why. I went to the doctor because I thought maybe I was anemic, or maybe thyroid issues, but that is not the case. I'm perfectly healthy. My eyes are very light sensitive, as well, my eye doctor said that I have some of the most light sensitive eyes he has seen. I should add that I have bad eyesight, so as not to lead you on. I will not claim to be a vampire, since well, both of my parents are human, which means I'm human too.
But despise all that, I wouldn't say I'm an above-average-amazing girl. I'm horrible at sports and math, To top it all off, I'm short. So I have no clue why these dreams keep coming to me. They are so real. It is of this tall, handsome vampire, coming for me, wanting to marry me. Some people would be flattered, but I know better than to be. I guess I will get asked many times of his appearance. Lets start off with body structure. He was very big... a giant (no, not in the obese way) I have no idea how tall he was... just about seven feet... buff, very buff. He has long, dark silk-like hair that came down to the middle of his back, with black stern eyes, long fingers and nails... I think he might've had fangs I'm not sure, but he had shiny pearl teeth with small flushed pink lips. He's always wearing a suit, who knows why. Probably what he explained to me in the dream of what he was in the "vampire world"? I guess?
I will talk about my first dream, which I can not make sense of. Some might say it was of the past, but I do not believe in past lives, or anything of that sort. It was of mansion, filled with vampires in hiding, since we were all sought after by people who hated us. The mansion was owned by a young, vampire aristocrat-ish person. He took in all the sane vampires he could fine and me and my vampire lover (which looks oddly like the vampire I had in my recent dreams - except younger) and put us into the middle of his mansion, which was a forest, in a sort of dome-like place. We all had powers some were more like magicians, making the trees float, and sometimes killing each other. We remained in the dome for years, until the people stopped hunting for vampires, and years later, the magnificent mansion was torn down. I remember at the end of the dream, I was around 23 to 24, and my lover said that he would come back for me. I remember growing old waiting for him, and later died at 65.
My most recent dream was two days ago. It was of me sleeping in my mom's bed, and a murderer had snuck into my house. I remember not being afraid, though the person, who was a light-skinned 25-year old with a mustache, came closer and closer to the bed with a knife. I remember the window was opened, but my vampire came through the wall instead, with a mad expression on his face, he was bigger than anyone could imagine, as big as goliath from the Bible, I would suppose. What he did was gruesome. You can imagine what had happened to this man. I remembered the vampire looking at me with a smile afterwards, bloody smile, saying, "I will come back for you"... If he means what he says, he better do it this time, and not let me die first. But of course, in my dream, I kinda wondered what he was... of course he was a vampire, but not a regular one, you could tell easily by looking at him. He was some important vampire. I remember him describing the vampire world as having leaders, such as us humans have. He was not the president, but more of a Speaker of the House I think that's what he said... He said every year was a day to a vampire. He said we would be married in 20 years... but I remember telling him that I didn't want to look like I was 35 for the rest of my life, so he told me if I wanted I could look younger. I woke up after that. But I can sense him all around me. I don't think I should believe in these things, but I do.
So this is why I came to this website, I do not know if this will do me any good at all, but I just need to know if this makes sense to anyone but me.
Sent in by Christina, Copyright 2010
I've been gifted with a few strange abilities, one is to be loved by mainly anything.. animals, humans... though an exception is snakes and things who have lost the ability to love. Animals seem to be more calm when they are around me, they just come up to me, wild animals too. I could take a walk, and butterflies will be constantly around me. I've been gifted with music. All of my musical teachers say I have much more talent than any student they'd ever had. Though, I'm too lazy to practice. I've learned to play the piano, guitar, violin, and now the cello. Two other ones are singing, and art. But one talent just scares me.
I think I'm crazy, but I know what's going to happen in the future, and I can tell what has happened in the past. I have dreams that keep coming true. Scary ones, that are frightfully accurate. I do not want to go into details, unless needed. My dreams are always very realistic, I can remember once, when I was in 5th grade, I had a dream of being stabbed, and when I woke up, it truly felt like I had gotten stabbed. Of course, only as of recent my dreams have been coming true.
People think that I'm gorgeous. I get told that a lot, but I don't give that much notice, since every girl gets told that. They say I have really pretty (some think they are scary) big dark brown eyes - which some call black. I do like my pretty, long, wavy, dark brown hair, though. My skin is always very very cold, I don't know why. I went to the doctor because I thought maybe I was anemic, or maybe thyroid issues, but that is not the case. I'm perfectly healthy. My eyes are very light sensitive, as well, my eye doctor said that I have some of the most light sensitive eyes he has seen. I should add that I have bad eyesight, so as not to lead you on. I will not claim to be a vampire, since well, both of my parents are human, which means I'm human too.
But despise all that, I wouldn't say I'm an above-average-amazing girl. I'm horrible at sports and math, To top it all off, I'm short. So I have no clue why these dreams keep coming to me. They are so real. It is of this tall, handsome vampire, coming for me, wanting to marry me. Some people would be flattered, but I know better than to be. I guess I will get asked many times of his appearance. Lets start off with body structure. He was very big... a giant (no, not in the obese way) I have no idea how tall he was... just about seven feet... buff, very buff. He has long, dark silk-like hair that came down to the middle of his back, with black stern eyes, long fingers and nails... I think he might've had fangs I'm not sure, but he had shiny pearl teeth with small flushed pink lips. He's always wearing a suit, who knows why. Probably what he explained to me in the dream of what he was in the "vampire world"? I guess?
I will talk about my first dream, which I can not make sense of. Some might say it was of the past, but I do not believe in past lives, or anything of that sort. It was of mansion, filled with vampires in hiding, since we were all sought after by people who hated us. The mansion was owned by a young, vampire aristocrat-ish person. He took in all the sane vampires he could fine and me and my vampire lover (which looks oddly like the vampire I had in my recent dreams - except younger) and put us into the middle of his mansion, which was a forest, in a sort of dome-like place. We all had powers some were more like magicians, making the trees float, and sometimes killing each other. We remained in the dome for years, until the people stopped hunting for vampires, and years later, the magnificent mansion was torn down. I remember at the end of the dream, I was around 23 to 24, and my lover said that he would come back for me. I remember growing old waiting for him, and later died at 65.
My most recent dream was two days ago. It was of me sleeping in my mom's bed, and a murderer had snuck into my house. I remember not being afraid, though the person, who was a light-skinned 25-year old with a mustache, came closer and closer to the bed with a knife. I remember the window was opened, but my vampire came through the wall instead, with a mad expression on his face, he was bigger than anyone could imagine, as big as goliath from the Bible, I would suppose. What he did was gruesome. You can imagine what had happened to this man. I remembered the vampire looking at me with a smile afterwards, bloody smile, saying, "I will come back for you"... If he means what he says, he better do it this time, and not let me die first. But of course, in my dream, I kinda wondered what he was... of course he was a vampire, but not a regular one, you could tell easily by looking at him. He was some important vampire. I remember him describing the vampire world as having leaders, such as us humans have. He was not the president, but more of a Speaker of the House I think that's what he said... He said every year was a day to a vampire. He said we would be married in 20 years... but I remember telling him that I didn't want to look like I was 35 for the rest of my life, so he told me if I wanted I could look younger. I woke up after that. But I can sense him all around me. I don't think I should believe in these things, but I do.
So this is why I came to this website, I do not know if this will do me any good at all, but I just need to know if this makes sense to anyone but me.
Sent in by Christina, Copyright 2010
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