Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Real Demon In My Class Room!

I am a teacher..well, I WAS.. at the age of 23. I had a group of 10/11 year olds in a classroom. It was thundering outside and the rain was very violent as it was bashing furiously on the windows. I couldn't really teach Math to the kids so we just had free time. I asked them what they wanted to do and they said... 'Ghost stories, ghost stories'.. and I was So, I told them a little scary/funny story about a ghost and they all laughed and had fun listening to me. Then, I thought maybe I should tell them a TRUE FACT about Demons. I knew that it wasn't a right thing to tell to the kids.. but oh well.

Here was the fact. You know that Demons/Jins CAN'T BEND their THUMBS like us humans? It is a true fact. All the kids found the fact very funny and they started to bend their thumbs and laugh about it. I also found it hilarious. But, there was one kid, sitting by himself, looking worried. He had his arms out and his thumbs were literally not bending. He cried out 'I can't bend my thumbs, I can't bend them!

The rest of the children were laughing and pointed at him and shouting 'you're a DEMON, YOU'RE A DEMON'. I personally got scared and frightened. I went towards the kid and asked him if he could bend his thumbs. I thought maybe he was joking around and playing BUT he replied 'NO..I can't bend my thumbs'. I was really really scared this time and yes I like... NEARLY pooped my pants.

Although the kids were laughing and found it funny; however I was SCARED. I said to the kid 'come on, you can bend your thumbs, right? Come on you can do it.' He couldn't and replied 'No, no I can't bend my thumbs' while he told me that, he was crying and said 'Miss, I don't want to be the bad demon, please I don't want to be a demon'. He had tears in his eyes... and yes he was really frightened. I felt really worried... so I quickly asked the children to come out of the room and go somewhere else AWAY from the kid. I know that was rude but I was really scared.. seriously.. I can't really explain my feelings...but it was really scary. I grabbed all the children and rushed them towards the exit door.

I turned back and saw the kid still having his arms out and trying to bend his thumbs while crying and shouting 'I don't want to be a DEMON, miss... please don't leave me..please' I didn't know what to do.. but I was too scared.. what could I do?.. and I had to get the kids out of the room. Suddenly the kid shouted my name 'Jenna, Jenna' - the voice which I never heard of.. a voice of an older man coming out of a young child. Even though I am a teacher but I got frightened of my own student. I tried to open the door BUT it wasn't opening. He was walking towards me.. with his eyes fixed on me. He was saying 'Why Jenna.. why?' and I didn't know what to say.. I had to keep the kids protected.. also myself.... He THEN said.. 'did you know..I am a demon?'...he laughed really loudly...really, loudly.

People who are reading this please believe me.. I am telling the truth.. I am really scared about what happened.. while I am writing this I am petrified.. I can still hear those scary laughs of the kid. Back to the story.. I didn't know what to do.. I was crying/screamig and holding on to the children. The kid who couldn't stop laughing and mentioning my name asked me a question. He asked 'do you want to see something beautiful/pretty, miss?' I couldn't say anything.. my voice wasn't coming out of my mouth. Without replying anything.. his face turned really old and wrinkly..HONESTLY! oh my god!! I can still remember it. I finally asked him to leave us alone and get us out of the room! He said 'okay', BUT.. he said.. 'if I let you all get out of this room.. then what will I get? I want YOU, Jenna..I want YOU'. The kids were crying and couldn't stop clinging on to me..they wanted to get out and so did I. The only way to get out was to accept his proposal and now I am HIS lady.

I guess I shouldn't of had told the kids the ghost stories.. and now this is my punishment..being HIS now. What does this kid want for me? Is he even a kid? I have him with me all the time when I am alone. I am writing this.. he is next to me. He wants me to share my worse time with everyone. I guess.. I was the chosen one for him.

By Jenna Martinez, Copyright 2009


  1. Wow i can't bend my thumbs either and i am being followed by demons this just seem unreal to me...because you can't bnd your thumbd your a demon?

    1. listen my dear,demons dont have power than humans.but u must b born again 2 have victory over them.there is a name that demons fear the name of jesus believe me u can b free now if u jesus christ and he will help u.i call jesus power upon u now and b set free.amen

    2. that is a load of bull demons can bend their thumbs this story is a fraud.

  2. Something similar happened to me. An adult female demon has been following me since I was a teenager. She still does today, and she torments me day and night. Because of the 'strange things' she has done to me I know believe that she is a succubus. I completely believe your story.

    1. I too have problems with demons. I help people with their problems with demons. They attacked my health and I see them also. In the old testament they would place the ten commandments outside their home. And the demons couldn't get in. Pray and use holy water and anoint all ur doorways on front and back

    2. what are you ?? I mean what's your profession and how you help people ?? are you a paranormal expert ?? and how are you able to see demons?? what do they look like?? thank you.. I hope I'll have a answer as soon as possible

    3. A possessive demon looks like who ever they possess. (Not as in having some one, but controlling them.) If demons are in a body, anyone can see them. If they are not, only certain people can, and of course demons can see other demons.

    4. Creepy yes but is it true. I am a dark person by nature and love the darkness but I have never seen a demon. I am the only one who wants to see one. I fear nothing for Christ is with me.

    5. Well there‘s actually one thing that people use to contradict the existence of spirits and that is the universe itself, the alien life thingys and others that science uses to disprove the existence of this other dimension. nevertheless the origin of life on Earth and the universe wasnt still proven enough, and it nver was proven yet, and that keeps people believing of God

    6. Your "Refuge" is gone

  3. So, question. Where did this finger bending thing come from? Is it common knowledge? story totally gave me a chill.

  4. Never heard of them not being able to bend their thumbs. I wouldn't believe that it couldn't do it. Demons, in my experience, seem to go along with whatever belief that you may have about them. I think it's their way of entertaining themselves. But, I'm curious, is it the kid that's with you (in the flesh) or is it a ghost?

  5. I believe the kid is now possessed by a demon. Ghost are actually demons. The devil (satan, an evil demon, also a fallen angel) want to kill your soul. He want you to be bound with him for eternity. Have you ever heard of artist such as Snoop Dog explaining in interviews how they became famous. Snoop Dog said in an interview he saw a demon in his room one night. The demon told him he can become a popular rapper if he worship him. Snoop Dog accepted what the demon offered and he quickly became a popular rapper. I also heard more artist doing the same thing.

    "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, aginst spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." -Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV, from the Holy Bible)

    1. My mates tell me that Demons disguise as ghosts, not showing their true forms

    2. demons are not ghosts there are no fallen angels. I have seen angels and in 1994 I was taken into heaven and was with many angels and God himself literally. And the supernatural powers i have used ever since then proved it to my many ridiculers whose lives intersected with mine. I see no one in these comments or stories who has the knowledge I do or the experience I do. All humans are more powerfull than any demon. And humans create the demons. something none of you know. Demons can be talked too and worked with in nature demons aide animals during birthing their offspring and angels and demons cooperate in certain things and masters sometimes teach demons and as they learn their appearance changes to a more likeable appearance.

  6. (Cont.) God can protect you and keep you safe. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is here and is waiting for you to reach out to him for help. I did and my life is much better now than before. At the age of 5, evil demons started molesting and raping me. By the age of 7, their attacks progressed. Sometimes, I was knocked out unconscious. After they raped me I felt humiliated, deprived, and very very sore to the point I couldn't walk for more than 5 minutes. When I was 11, I became sexually active and was afraid to sleep in the dark. At age 13, I was a frequent bed wetter because they constantly choked me while I was trying ot sleep. Sometimes, they chocked me if I refused to have sex with them. The attacks persisted for over 10 years. They demanded sex from me once a few months ago. I am now 21 years old. It isn't as bad as it use to be after I started anointing my room and praying to God, the Creator of the Universe. The thought of losing my virginity to a demon still sickens me and my first kiss was with a demon. I am very thankful and grateful God has protected me from the enemy even when they were raping me. I noticed when I was being attacked by a demon they disappeared (ran away) when I called out the name Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus and demons fee when they hear his name. Also Holy angels attacked the demons that were chocking me. I heard the demon making a noise like an eagle as if it was in pain then, it let go of my neck and disappeared. Afterwards, I woke up from the dream. I knew God was on my side because I could not breathe while the demon was chocking me. I did not say Jesus name but I thought about him helping me and he did. God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit is considered a mother can be considered a housewife and a manager. She has different titles but she is the same person.

    God can help you just like he helped me.

    "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, '"Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."' -Romans 10:9-11 (NKJV from the Holy Bible)

  7. No old book or God will save you. No prayer or incantation. No magical relic, special color or candle can stop what is coming. The world, not God, works in mysterious ways...

    1. Youre both decieved. no humans needs saving. you obviously also do not know your soul is only second in power to God himself but then none of you here has sought the kingdom or found it so you still believe mans doctrines taught in mans churches. jesus calls people churchians he says there are very very very few real christians

  8. yea that was god telling you to stop messing with little kids you completely Osterized this kid and pissed off the man upstairs nice job

  9. Now, common, this is'nt real....
    Man don't need Demons to do evil deeds
    He can do it by himself...
    Man use Demons to blame because he connot face the fact that his own evil side makes him do it.
    Every human being has the potential to commit horrors when place in the right (or wrong)situation.
    In the 90's, I was a UN Peacekeeper in the Balkans (Sarajevo, Bosnia) and later in Rwanda.
    So i know the ultimate evil that man can do by himself.

    In all my studies and researches about the mythologies of Angels and Demons I've never heard of Demons not being able to bend their thumbs.
    Demons can only live in the minds of those who let them in, since they live only in their mind.
    Get It...?.

    1. Damian-

      Actually in many countries in the world, especially Tibet and Nepal, they believe vampires and demons cannot bend down, which is why in all the villages and neighborhoods there you will see that all of the ceilings where in which there is a doorway are extremely low so that you have to bend down to come inside, because they think vampires or demons cannot bend. They also have short gates in front of their properties for this same purpose. Whether this is true or just superstition, I don't know, but that may have something to do with why people believe that "demons" can't bend their thumbs.

    2. Well, if you doing all these studies.... You would also know that Angels and Demons, PUSH!!!!! The thoughts in your mind.... As a sinner it can be either- Good or Bad! Again you did say: you know from Experience, so the REAL! Question is what pushed you!???????????

  10. here is a question? why do ouija boards invite demons everywhere in this world?

  11. Are you stupid? Your story makes little sense and honestly it sounds like you got bored and wrote this out of nowhere.... A demon would not introduce itself to you or the other children, its job is to make you believe it doesnt exist... It would have failed its one and only job by acting outwards onto you and the children... The fact is that this story does connect with truths, the demon most likely came through the child whdn you shared your idiotic beliefs, children are protected by god, they can only see and hear evil, not be tormented or controled by them, Wanna know another scary fact? If you ever see a bright tall figure that appears to be holy, shout out the lord jesus christs name, because thats satan himself. Your veiws are very much twisted darlin, if this child was in fact acting out the way you say it was, then ur fucked, thats no child and never was, thats a 100% bonified demon, have a nice day, idiot.

    1. Unless you haven't read the Revelations!!! In the BIBLE!!! It speaks of weird things to come... That we won't understand, we'll have to have faith and far as I've been living and seeing things.... You ask your self about that demon child????? Have you ever Experience Things you can't Explain???

    2. nah demons do not have a job to make youi think they dont exist if they do they have failed miserably. There is no devil nor are demons from hell or from any silly satan.

  12. You people are amazingly gullible, some demons can bend their thumbs, she was just extremely unlucky to come across the more obvious one. Also, those who refuse to believe the obvious, I feel sorry for you. Heaven and Hell exsist, correct? Satan and God exsist, correct? (Except to atheists) There is a sense of Good and Evil, correct? Then why not believe in the minions/smaller beings of those good and evil? It's only common sense. If there is good, there is evil, every reaction creates an opposite reaction. Common sense clearly isn't all that common. Also Jenna I don't see why you think it's a bad thing. Some demons have 2 alternate personalities to them. Take my fiancè for example, he's sweet loving and amazing to me and he loves me for me, but the minute you make him angry there's going to be bad things happen, he gets too angry every phone in the house will start dialing 666. It's just natural, yes I sometimes get scared, but I love him, demon and all. There is always a growing fear, some may tell me that he's schizophrenic but they are nonbelievers. People don't always see what's truly there. That is their own fault. When the truth is known it shall stand. I hope you have a happier life than what you may think Jenna. ~Sincerely, The Truth.

    1. Thats sweet of you, I agree wit what you said about: Good and Evil, some people are going to suffer for being so blind.... Just hope everyone in the Whole World will soon come to know... Praying!!!!

    2. Besides, its the demon she met if ever it was a demon. We all know Demons deceive people, and that FACT she thought that demons CANT bend their thumbs is one of those deceits. it wont always be true to all demons if ever she did saw the possessed child cant bend his thumbs.


  14. If you are afraid, then you already lost. This existence cannot be easily explained because of what our human mind is capable of conceiving. I'm a skeptic so it is hard to see fact in a lot of things especially when it involves "metaphysical" phenomenon. Though I would push my mind to believe that everything is possible though it would only be true through personal experience. So what have we left to construe is the very nature of duality being that good will inevitably be the product of evil (it is not visa versa, trust me). So I see two possible truths in this matter, one that Jenna simply imagined a scenario in which to exploit some sort of fictitious fact about "demon or djinn" to create a scare tactic to voice her religious beliefs so that it would encourage others with similar delusional fear to strengthen their own religious beliefs and live in fear. Or she did encounter a being that is powerful enough to maintain a psychic link with her enough that it haunts her still, which has lead her to write a memoir of her experience.

    1. The demon‘s will is to make people not believe the existence of another world and as I can see all you unbelievers are Deceived by these evil beings. you limit your knowledge and beliefs to what other people believe and thats what makes you stay stupid.

  15. I feel for u I will pray that God will release u from his grip. I been fighting demons and scared them away with holy water and by our lord Jesus christ. Now the demons are attack my health. I will pray that u be delivered out

  16. I have had run in with demonic entities and I jyst laugh at them I have nt been clung to by one and iv only been scratched this story sounds fishy nothing in this world or the next can turn your age from young to old demons attack and attach without you knowing.

  17. Wow... scary... don't worry I believe you. Though I don't know what to say...
    I wish I could help... :(

  18. u think its scary and i think it's cute

  19. I agree, the greatest tool the adversary of god has is, the ability to make us think he doesn't exist. There is nothing I can really say about this, as it does not sound very reliable. But I can tell you, if good exists then so does evil. And there is evil in this world. It's been proven time and time again. Look at Hitler, or the terrorists today. One doesn't just have it in himself to mass murder millions of people just because the way they look, or kill themselves just to kill others for no appearantly reason, other than just to spread terror and fear. There has to be some reason behind all of it... Something or someone. All I can tell you is no "demon" holds that kind of power. For you "to be his" you would have to be the one to allow it, and continue to allow it. We were placed on this earth as a test. To see which of us were worthy enough to live in the presence of our heavenly father which is in heaven. There would be many ways you could get rid of your so called "demon child" in fact, the only listed child being related to any sort of evil was Damian, the son of the devil. But I can assure you, children are pure. They- like everyone else are born with an inate sense of right and wrong. A trait passed down for centuries by Adam and Eve. That was their curse after they bit from the forbidden fruit. "the knowledge of right and wrong" the only true way for a demon to be anywhere close to you is if you purposely and willingly let him. They cannot force your hand either. Nor do they have powers that would enable them to "keep doors shut" they have no body, which in turn grants them no real power over the physical domain. Their only real ability, much like the holy ghost is to sort of "whisper in your ear" to try an persuade you to do something. Just like the adversary himself did to Adam and Eve. He did not force Eve to partake of the fruit, he simply used his greatest strength, his words. Lucifer is known by many different names and appearances. He is the "master manipulator" or better yet, the father of all lies. That has always been, and always will be his greatest tool. His ability to miss lead people. So if he can't touch us or physically make us do anything we don't want to do, what makes you think his followers (better known as demons) who are much weaker, be able to do something their master can't? God casted him out of heaven and put him in chains. He gave him no body, and no real power over anything. All he can do is try to tempt us, and since Gods greates gift to us next to life is free will, we can either let ourself be tempted, or let him have no power over us. You should try to read the bible, or go to church, your story is about as valid as one of those scary stories in "the scary stories" novels...

  20. Well now even if your a demons BI**H ... you can still cast him away from you by saying "In the name of Jesus Christ LEAVE">"In the blood of Jesus Christ LEAVE".

  21. This story is so stupid all this talk about god! Why believe in something you fear. Religion makes u a slave. The only reasons you believe is because you are scared of hell. Well if god is so great why would he damn the children he supposedly love to hell eternal damnation!! God WTF! Thats such bullshit lol. Hell I mean come on why would this god even create hell. This only thing good about a religion is it temporarily gives u hope! But when u die prepare for a wake up call because god heaven and hell I'd just a bunch a bullshit. Anyone who really feels that their is a god out their show proof! Dont give me a bible verse or some stupid miracle story I want proof.

    1. You seem very intelligent there "anonymous". Why are you even here on a blog like this in the first place if everything is so stupid then go spend your time elsewhere. Only a stupid person would spend time and effort on things they think are stupid right?

    2. I think the story is probably a fraud and a good Stephen King movie at best. But then there is a spiritual context to this world that goes beyond explainable. Ever have a radio talk to you without being plugged in? Ever seen a glowing spider hovering over you while you tried to open your eyes? Ever see a standing pop can come to you from a parking lot over a 150 ft away, and knew it was going to happen without a wind? And you think I'm a crazy man for sure, but I'm an engineer and I'd never under choice believe in fake. You see what you don't understand is the world is bipolar and every respect. Numbers, charges, forces etc. Many people believe in parallel universes, but the better question is if you believe the world is infinite then its not whether you live again but that you absolutely will. You see if you are an atheist you might as well believe the world is a single big bang universe, because if it is not then you are not only likely to live again you absolutely will live again as infinite probability extends to absolute possibility. God by old context is the infinite part, Jesus was concerned how we navigated through the sea of infinite possibilities. Truth is that understanding logic and understanding the principles of being good is like understanding what makes a barrel float or sink. There is a buoyancy law of evil versus good. Do good you float, do bad you sink. Its that simple, but yes there are other intelligences and chaos generators. Since your job is to become more intelligent your job is to avoid these forces of destruction and try to get as many people as possible to embrace the light and truth. Darkness has no power of light, understand that creation is what this world is about. Help create, help other create, embrace intelligence, love one another so that it encourages more creation. Destruction is the demon/(s) of the bipolar world, embracing them is to destroy your own good and intelligence. Don't be the olive tree that doesn't produce olives for the creator. Don't destroy yourselves and don't destroy others. Love one another and most of all acknowledge infinity (God), acknowledge love, and be concerned how you navigate the sea of infinite and the laws of buoyancy. Jesus had some excellent ideas about faith, love, and laws of the sea how to get to continue growing both intelligence , love and how to continue your state after death. He tried to make you people understand that you die every time you go to sleep and are born every time you wake, its your faith or continuity in the sea of infinite that propagates you forward. Know that that the ocean continues your existence. Know that your hairs are counted. That like a calculator the math or knowledge of the machine cannot be broken even though the physical world model (calculator) can be broken. Most of all believe that there are people and chaos generators that want to destroy construction. Its a bipolar world after all. You have a choice to either become greater or end in a hell of your making. Demons are real and chaos are real but you make them powerful when you embrace destruction and you grow when you refute it/them. Its that simple. Believe, know, and love. Its mathematical, its logical, its spiritual and its truth. Don't be a fool or be wicked!

    3. Hello everyone! My first time in here. I do not doubt the paranormal, supernatural entities of this world. Nor do I doubt God, Satan, Demons or ghost's & Angels. Humanity is fragile. We serve a purpose here. To learn from our life mistakes and strive to move forward. If we don't do that.

      Then we will fail. God himself wishes for us to hold strong and fight for what we believe in. "Freedom". It is everything! It's our birth right to choose our own paths. When we are tossed into the unknown. Struck down by the unknown. We go into a shock.. in turn to fear. No one wants to see a demon. Since they are feared. I will tell you. They are real. To those who are fortunate enough not to ever meet one. Find yourself lucky! I don't see it as fair to judge another for seeing such an entity. It's the fear that keeps you from wanting to believe what others have experienced. If that works for you.. Then So Be It!

      Myself I have had too many experiences with many unknown entities to list here. If I do talk of them. You all would be terrified since it would shake your beliefs and make you feel less safe while trying to fall asleep in the dark. To the ex teacher. I do have a question for you! How is it that this child is with you and not with his parents? How did you pull that one off?

      How to protect yourselves: Fill your body up with silver holy light and nothing evil can ever harm you. Get pink Himalayan sea salts and spread a line across every door way in your house. Burn sage, nag champa in your bedroom. Barry a white uncooked egg near your front door. Said to protect you from evil. I have not tried this one yet! Just remember they rot. They also say to keep it near where you sleep. (Don't forget about it!) lol Could stink if broken later on. ;) I am trying to help. If you have questions please never hesitate to ask! I'm here to serve humanity. Good luck everyone!

  22. Nice story miss.I find it hard to believe, actually I think you're full of it.

  23. heh demons angels doesnt matter i talked to a demon once when i was about 7 years old and i talked to an angel once when i was 13 years old when my cousin died they both said the same thing and now i have no fear of anything because of those words they said to me

  24. Freaky story. Can honestly say it gave me chills. Completely fake, of course, but still effective.

    BTW, that bit about demons not being able to bend their thumbs was a little too unbelievable (and not based on any real demon lore). Next time you tell this story try "demons can't say the name of Christ", that'd be way more convincing. Oh, and leave off the rainy day stuff, its a bit cliched don't you think?

  25. come on. are you kidding me?!? there is no such thing as demons!!!
    this little story of yours is fake!! you can tell by reading it!!
    and if demons were real god would save you if you love god and beleve in him.

  26. There is no information anywhere revealing that demons can't bend their thumbs. If an event like this had happened, there would have been reports at school and a classroom full of terrified children telling this story to parents and friends.


  28. Hi, my name is Ashi. I am an Indian where nobody can discuss issues like this with anyone. I have just graduated from high school. I had a dream in which i was standing with a young, smart and very handsome man in the confinement of an elevator alone. Suddenly a thought popped in my mind, he is a satan or a demon. He smiles a cool smile and says "you guessed it right. You are the one. You will be the carrier of my blood or conceive my child" something like that. M scared to death because of that. I didn't had any sexual experience with him but he turned into a disgusting insect or ant combined with cockroach and a sand and mud covered it and he just got invisible or went away without a trace and i was still standing dumbstruck. is this incubus attack or just a weird dream. It was very vivid and real. I never masturbate and m a virgin and i respect my virginity a lot. I don't know what to think about this nightmare- Just forget it or does it have any deep meaning. I had been having lusty fantasies too and sometimes it feels like someone or something following me, it holds my thighs and sometime legs while going to tuition classes in broad sunlight. Is there any rightful Explanation about this?

  29. my friends cant ben their thumb so dose it mean they are deamons I can bend my thumb you know I never heard of that deamon thumb bending crap

  30. this story is not as amusing as I who gets to have fun with such petty, petty creatures such as yourselves. NONE of you know the smallest truth of the ancestors. Oh yes, go ahead, just call us one of those "PSYCOTIC" things you call one another. the your truth is made of put together lies among this world. I can say no more to you other than..... WERE ALWAYS WATCHING... YOUR GOD HAS ABANDONED YOU..... WE WILL RISE

  31. Demons are not known by anyone here its more than obvious. To know the truth of what demons are you have to stop listening to churches and old men who wrote things down based on their own dogmas and beliefs hundreds or thousands of years ago. have anyone of you ever teleported your physical body to another place on the planet instantly? I hardly think so lolol why do you sit in doubts and beliefs you cannot substantiate and never go into the truth? I can assure you you have more power than any demon.

  32. My dear, it sounds like you are trying to excuse a very serious problem, it surely sounds like you are dealing with the quilty conscious of a child molester.

  33. That is about the stupidest thing I have ever read.



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